پاسخ : مدار فلزیاب با برد حدود 10 سانت!
دوستان چی شد پس؟ ساختین فلزیاب رو؟ چه قد جواب گرفتین؟
دوستان چی شد پس؟ ساختین فلزیاب رو؟ چه قد جواب گرفتین؟
R1 110 All resistors 1/4 watt. R2 750 R3 47K R4 47K R5 15K R6 4K7 R7 3K3 R8 68K R9 4K7 R10 68K R11 150 R12 680 R13 150 R14 680 R15 1k5 (is "J1" on the schematic) Use for Single coil design. Do not use R16 R16 470 (is "J2" on the schematic) Use for Dual Coil design. Do not use R15 R17 470 R18 680 R19 10K R20 330 R21 820 R22 47K R23 220 R24 1K R25 1M5 R26 51K R27 51K R28 2K2 R29 2K2 R30 18K R31 8K2 R32 470K R33 68K VR1 25K Phier PT10V Trimpot (DC Offset for IC9) Vertical Adjust style. VR2 50K DC Offset for IC10 (Beep Null) VR3 1K Volume VR4 5K Meter Zero C1 1 Mfd tant. @ 35 volts C2 10 Mfd Tant. @ 10 Volts C3 10 Mfd. tant. @ 10 Volts C4 10 Mfd. Tant. @ 25 Volts C5 100 Mfd. Electrolytic @ 25 Volts C6 1 Mfd. Tant. @ 10 Volts C7 1 Mfd. Tant. @ 10 Volts C8 10 Mfd. Tant. @ 10 Volts C9 1 Mfd. Tant. @ 10 volts C10 1 Mfd. Tant @ 10 Volts C11 .1 @ 63 Volts Philips Mylar Caps. MK Series C12 .01 @ 100 Volts " C13 .01 " " C14 .01 " " C15 .001 " " C16 .01 " " C17 .01 " " C18 10 Mfd. Tant. @ 10 Volts C19 220 Pf disk C20 .01 @ 100 Volts Philips Mylar Caps. MK Series C21 .01 " " C22 220 Pf. Disk C23 500 Pf. Disk (Freq. Comp. -- May be reduced in value or omitted) C24 500 Pf. Disk (Freq. Comp. -- May be reduced in value or omitted) C25 .1 @ 63 Volts Philips Mylar C26 .1 " C27 22 Mfd Electrolytic C28 .1 @ 63 Volts Philips Mylar C29 .01 @ 100 Volts " C30 .22 " C31 10 Mfd. Tant. @ 10 Volts C32 Error, This Part Doesn't exist C33 10 Mfd. Tant. @ 10 Volts C34 470 Mfd. Electrolytic @ 10 Volt D1 1N4937 "High Speed diode." D2 1N4937 "High Speed diode." D3 1N4148 or 1N914 D4 1N4148 or 1N914 D5 1N4148 or 1N914 D6 1N4148 or 1N914 D7 1N4148 or 1N914 D8 1N4148 or 1N914 IC1 REG-1117A (Surface mount "SOT-223" Package. Mounts on copper side.) (Possible Sub. "MC33269ST-ADJ" "SOT-223 Package" Adjustable version.) IC2 LT1054-CN8 -- (8 pin dip) IC3 78L05 T0-92 IC4 79L05 T0-92 IC5 555 8 pin dip (C-mos version is acceptable) IC6 555 8 pin dip (C-mos version is acceptable) IC7 555 8 pin dip (C-mos version is acceptable) IC8 555 8 pin dip (C-mos version is acceptable) IC9 TL081 or TL071 8 pin dip IC10 TL081 or TL071 8 pin dip IC11 555 8 pin dip C-mos version acceptable Q1 IRF640 (Can cut off heat tab if you wish to reduce height.) Q2 IRF640 (Can cut off heat tab if you wish to reduce height.) Q3 2SK30A or 2N3819 Q4 2N4125 PNP transistor M1 200 Ua. Meter (or 100 Ua. or 50 Ua., But need to change R31) For Extreme sensitivity, use a 200 Ua. Digital Panal Meter. SPKR Any speaker or headphones with a "Good Low Frequency Response". LI Aprox 40 turns, square, round, Or Whatever! More info to Come! L2 Same as L1 if used! See other Write-ups on the coils and coil forms.