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Proteus & Libraries

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    پاسخ : Proteus & Libraries

    جناب کویر والا ما پاک کردیم folder programs folder ر licence رو پاک کردیم ولی دوباره crc error میده شما کرک دیگه ای ندارید.تو sonsivri هم همین کرک است.


      پاسخ : Proteus & Libraries

      این هم کرک نهایی Nemo برای Proteus 7.4 SP3 : که ورژن ۲ محسوب میشه .


      این هم توضیحاتش :

      The final version of the tablets. Fialnaya not because fully isprvleny all the bugs with the departures, etc., but because the work it carried out no longer.


      What's new compared to 1.6.5:

      1. Fully converted all checks (must rise to the idea of stability);
      2. Added avr2 model of demo 7.5 and the corrected prospays
      (thanks to as205 www.kazus.ru);
      3. In Ares restored OK button in poverplanegeneratore
      (thanks www.sonsivri.com)

      و این هم آخرین کرک برای Proteus 7.5 SP3 که ورژن ۲.۱.۱ هست و هنوز هم کرک نهایی نیست : پس از دوستان هم خواهش میکنم اینقدر به اینکه ورژنی که گذاشتن بدون اشکال هست اشاره نکنند خود کرکر میگه کرک هنوز نهایی نیست :



        پاسخ : Proteus & Libraries

        این هم ورژن ۲.۱.۲ کرک 7.5 SP3 که روی ویستا هم کار میکنه :



          PROTEUS 7.5

          به نام خدا سلام دوستان اگر امکانش هست لطف کنید و یک لینک برای دانلود نرم افزار PROTEUS 7.5 به علاوه کرک آن قرار دهید متشکر و ممنون .


            پاسخ : PROTEUS 7.5

            با سلام
            اینم لینک نرم افزار البنه از سایت کویرالکترونیک .


            اینم کرکش اما چون عجله داشتم به صورت عکس تو eca پلود کردم ,بعد از دانلود کردن عکس اون رو به صورت zip درش بیار!!!


            با تشکر
            دانلود کی های جدید کاسپر
            جهت سفارش طراحی و برنامه نویسی سایت, قالب, بنر قیف و فلش
            با این آی دی تماس بگیرید :


              پاسخ : PROTEUS 7.5

              نوشته اصلی توسط sharktech

              اینم کرکش اما چون عجله داشتم به صورت عکس تو eca پلود کردم ,بعد از دانلود کردن عکس اون رو به صورت zip درش بیار!!!


              با تشکر
              آنتی ویروس من اینو به عنوان یه تروجان میشناسه به این اسم: TR/Agent.36557.A


                دانلود پروتیوس 7.5 به همراه کرک

                با سلام خدمت دوستان !
                بعد از مدتها گشت و گذار در اینترنت بالاخره تونستم ورژن 7.5 که کرک شده رو براتون پیدا کنم برای همین با لینک دانلود و کرک براتون می ذارم . برین حلشو ببرین . :nice:
                لینکها برای دانلود خود فایل :


                لینکها برای دانلود کرک :


                دوستان عزیزی که با دانلود مشکل داشتن می تونن اعلام کنن تا دوباره پلود کنم !
                موفق باشید !

                Aristar Group - Always And Forever


                  پاسخ : PROTEUS 7.5

                  لینکها برای دانلود خود فایل :


                  لینکها برای دانلود کرک :

                  Aristar Group - Always And Forever


                    پاسخ : Proteus & Libraries

                    ورژن 7.5 SP3 برای دانلود گذاشتم . برین حالشو ببرین : :nice: :nice:
                    لینکها برای دانلود خود فایل :


                    لینکها برای دانلود کرک :

                    Aristar Group - Always And Forever


                      پاسخ : دانلود پروتیوس 7.5 به همراه کرک

                      سلام آقا نشد دانلود کنم


                        پاسخ : Proteus & Libraries

                        Proteus 7.6 SP0


                        کرک :


                        هر کی میتونه سریع دانلود کنه و میرور بگیره چون فعلا هر چی لینک هست سریع پاک میشه .

                        فقط تذکر بدم که کرکر ( Nemo78 )مدعی نهایی بودن آن نیست و ممکن در اثر گزارش کاربران ورژن های بعدی کرک بیاد . همانطور که برای 7.5 SP3 تا ورژن 2.1.3 کرک گذاشته شد تا همه اشکالات برطرف بشه.


                          Proteus 7.6 SP0 Pro + Patch

                          با سلام
                          اینم لینک Proteus 7.6 SP0 Pro + Patch که آخرین ورا¾ن از نرم افزار Proteus است که براتون می زارم.
                          لینک دانلود : (حجم 70MB)
                          مستقیم : http://s77.eu.rapidbaz.com/get/_1Oac/Prts7.6_sp0.exe

                          میرور(غیر مستقیم) : http://rapidshare.com/files/270193147/Prts7.6_sp0.exe

                          کینک کرک :
                          مستقیم : http://s77.eu.rapidbaz.com/get/_1O3L/LXK_Prts_7.6_SP0_v1.0.0.rar

                          میرور(غیر مستقیم) : http://rapidshare.com/files/270193294/LXK_Prts_7.6_SP0_v1.0.0.rar
                          مشخصات :

                          What's New In Proteus Design Suite 7.6
                          The following summarises the main feature enhancements in the Version 7.6 release. New peripheral simulation models are detailed here whilst minor system enhancements and modifications are announced in the members area of the support forums.

                          ISIS and ARES Core Applications

                          Hardware Accelerated / OpenGL Graphics Engine *
                          Lightning fast, flicker free screen redraws.
                          Smooth scrolling and animated object highlighting.
                          Crisp, fully anti-aliased presentation of text and graphics.
                          Current layer is always drawn at the top of the view.
                          User control of layer transparency with full alpha-blended options.
                          Ability to display full solder resist and solder mask layers including shapes contributed by pad styles.
                          * These features are dependant on the ability of your graphics card to support OpenGL in hardware.

                          3D Visualisation Engine
                          Hide components to provide bareboard view.
                          Full support for holes, slots and board cut-outs.
                          Solder resist (and exposed solder) is shown.
                          Correct display of bitmaps.

                          Direct PDF Export in both ISIS and ARES (no driver installation required)
                          Over 2000 new library parts including connectors, trimmers and op-amps
                          Net name display at high magnification zoom levels.
                          Proteus VSM CPU Models *

                          PIC18F63J90, PIC18F64J90, PIC18F65J90.
                          PIC18F83J90, PIC18F84J90. PIC18F85J90.
                          PIC18F6390, PIC18F6490, PIC18F8390, PIC18F8490.
                          PIC18F6393, PIC18F6493, PIC18F8393, PIC18F8493.
                          Added loader/debug support for Bascom AVR Compiler.
                          more... Proteus VSM for MSP430 (new product family).
                          Proteus VSM for TI MSP430
                          Proteus VSM for MSP430 contains everything you need to develop, test and virtually prototype your embedded system designs based around the popular MSP430 series of microcontrollers from Texas Instruments. The unique nature of schematic based microcontroller simulation with Proteus facilitates rapid, flexible and parallel development of both the system hardware and the system firmware. This design synergy allows engineers to evolve their projects more quickly, empowering them with the flexibility to make hardware or firmware changes at will and reducing the time to market. Proteus VSM is discussed in more detail here.

                          Product Summary
                          Proteus VSM for MSP430 Includes:

                          A full professional licence of the ISIS Schematic Capture package, allowing you to create your own schematics for simulation.
                          A full licence for the interactive VSM simulation engine, enabling you to both simulate and interact with your entire system prior to prototyping.
                          Ability to fully simulate MSP430 variants in your own schematics
                          Thousands of standard peripheral models and embedded peripheral models are available for the simulation of your own projects.
                          Measurement and analysis with over a dozen industrial grade virtual instruments (DSO, Logic Analyser, I2C Protocol Analyser, etc.)
                          System wide diagnostics allowing you to receive detailed trace messaging on components of your choice and/or the system as a whole during simulation.
                          Full debugging capabilities with variables display, source window, watch window and memory dumps via Proteus VSM's internal system.
                          Purchasing Options
                          Proteus VSM for MSP430 is the full professional family and includes all currently supported MSP430 variants (see below).

                          Analysis capabilities can be upgraded to include Graph Based Simulation via the Advanced Simulation Options module.

                          For a truly complete design solution schematics can be netlisted to one of our integrated PCB Design products for physical board layout.

                          Please see the commercial price list for pricing information or contact us to further discuss requirements.

                          Supported Variants
                          Currently modelled MSP430 Variant Set:

                          MSP430C1101, MSP430C1111, MSP430C1121, MSP430F1101, MSP430F1111, MSP430F1121.
                          MSP430F2001, MSP430F2011, MSP430F2101, MSP430F2111, MSP430F2121, MSP430F2131.
                          Supported Features
                          Proteus VSM simulates all the features of the real device including:

                          The entire instruction set.
                          Supports all port and other I/O pin operations.
                          Supports all counter/timers including seperate prescalers, capture compare and PWM modes.
                          Supports watchdog timer.
                          Supports serial U(S)ART.
                          Supports Analogue-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) and analogue comparator modules in all modes.
                          Supports all internal and external interrupt modes.
                          Supports internal and external code, data and EEPROM memory inc. code protection and data persistence.
                          Unique Productivity Enhancements with Proteus VSM for MSP430:

                          Internally generated processor clock for performance. Event timing accurate to one clock period.
                          Allows disassembly of code when no or limited debug information available.
                          Provides internal consistency checks on code (e.g. execution of invalid op-codes, illegal memory accesses, stack overflow checking, etc.).
                          more... Fully integrated in to the VSM source level debugging system.
                          more... Fully integrated into the Proteus Diagnostic Control System.
                          Supported Compilers
                          Proteus VSM models will fundamentally work with the exact same HEX file as you would program the physical device with. However, far more debugging information is available when using a compiler to write the firmware and providing these object files to Proteus in place of the HEX file provides a much richer working environment. More information on supported compilers can be found here.

                          Proteus VSM simulation of our voltmeter design. The design uses MSP430F1101 processor together with the 7-segment LED and variable resistor. The image above shows the design being debugged with the source and variables windows


                            Proteus 7.6 SP0 Pro + Patch

                            با سلام
                            اینم لینک دانلود Proteus 7.6 SP0 Pro با کرک 100% جواب می ده من خودم امتحان کردم کلی هم امکانات با قطعات جدید بهش اضافه شده.


                            لینک فایل :
                            مستقیم: http://s77.eu.rapidbaz.com/get/_1Oac/Prts7.6_sp0.exe
                            میرور : http://rapidshare.com/files/270193147/Prts7.6_sp0.exe

                            لینک کرک:
                            مستقیم: http://s77.eu.rapidbaz.com/get/_1H9-/LXK_Prts_7.6_SP0_v1.0.0.rar
                            میرور : http://rapidshare.com/files/270193294/LXK_Prts_7.6_SP0_v1.0.0.rar

                            مشخصات جدید:
                            What's New In Proteus Design Suite 7.6
                            The following summarises the main feature enhancements in the Version 7.6 release. New peripheral simulation models are detailed here whilst minor system enhancements and modifications are announced in the members area of the support forums.

                            ISIS and ARES Core Applications

                            Hardware Accelerated / OpenGL Graphics Engine *
                            Lightning fast, flicker free screen redraws.
                            Smooth scrolling and animated object highlighting.
                            Crisp, fully anti-aliased presentation of text and graphics.
                            Current layer is always drawn at the top of the view.
                            User control of layer transparency with full alpha-blended options.
                            Ability to display full solder resist and solder mask layers including shapes contributed by pad styles.
                            * These features are dependant on the ability of your graphics card to support OpenGL in hardware.

                            3D Visualisation Engine
                            Hide components to provide bareboard view.
                            Full support for holes, slots and board cut-outs.
                            Solder resist (and exposed solder) is shown.
                            Correct display of bitmaps.

                            Direct PDF Export in both ISIS and ARES (no driver installation required)
                            Over 2000 new library parts including connectors, trimmers and op-amps
                            Net name display at high magnification zoom levels.
                            Proteus VSM CPU Models *

                            PIC18F63J90, PIC18F64J90, PIC18F65J90.
                            PIC18F83J90, PIC18F84J90. PIC18F85J90.
                            PIC18F6390, PIC18F6490, PIC18F8390, PIC18F8490.
                            PIC18F6393, PIC18F6493, PIC18F8393, PIC18F8493.
                            Added loader/debug support for Bascom AVR Compiler.
                            more... Proteus VSM for MSP430 (new product family).
                            Proteus VSM for TI MSP430
                            Proteus VSM for MSP430 contains everything you need to develop, test and virtually prototype your embedded system designs based around the popular MSP430 series of microcontrollers from Texas Instruments. The unique nature of schematic based microcontroller simulation with Proteus facilitates rapid, flexible and parallel development of both the system hardware and the system firmware. This design synergy allows engineers to evolve their projects more quickly, empowering them with the flexibility to make hardware or firmware changes at will and reducing the time to market. Proteus VSM is discussed in more detail here.

                            Product Summary
                            Proteus VSM for MSP430 Includes:

                            A full professional licence of the ISIS Schematic Capture package, allowing you to create your own schematics for simulation.
                            A full licence for the interactive VSM simulation engine, enabling you to both simulate and interact with your entire system prior to prototyping.
                            Ability to fully simulate MSP430 variants in your own schematics
                            Thousands of standard peripheral models and embedded peripheral models are available for the simulation of your own projects.
                            Measurement and analysis with over a dozen industrial grade virtual instruments (DSO, Logic Analyser, I2C Protocol Analyser, etc.)
                            System wide diagnostics allowing you to receive detailed trace messaging on components of your choice and/or the system as a whole during simulation.
                            Full debugging capabilities with variables display, source window, watch window and memory dumps via Proteus VSM's internal system.
                            Purchasing Options
                            Proteus VSM for MSP430 is the full professional family and includes all currently supported MSP430 variants (see below).

                            Analysis capabilities can be upgraded to include Graph Based Simulation via the Advanced Simulation Options module.

                            For a truly complete design solution schematics can be netlisted to one of our integrated PCB Design products for physical board layout.

                            Please see the commercial price list for pricing information or contact us to further discuss requirements.

                            Supported Variants
                            Currently modelled MSP430 Variant Set:

                            MSP430C1101, MSP430C1111, MSP430C1121, MSP430F1101, MSP430F1111, MSP430F1121.
                            MSP430F2001, MSP430F2011, MSP430F2101, MSP430F2111, MSP430F2121, MSP430F2131.
                            Supported Features
                            Proteus VSM simulates all the features of the real device including:

                            The entire instruction set.
                            Supports all port and other I/O pin operations.
                            Supports all counter/timers including seperate prescalers, capture compare and PWM modes.
                            Supports watchdog timer.
                            Supports serial U(S)ART.
                            Supports Analogue-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) and analogue comparator modules in all modes.
                            Supports all internal and external interrupt modes.
                            Supports internal and external code, data and EEPROM memory inc. code protection and data persistence.
                            Unique Productivity Enhancements with Proteus VSM for MSP430:

                            Internally generated processor clock for performance. Event timing accurate to one clock period.
                            Allows disassembly of code when no or limited debug information available.
                            Provides internal consistency checks on code (e.g. execution of invalid op-codes, illegal memory accesses, stack overflow checking, etc.).
                            more... Fully integrated in to the VSM source level debugging system.
                            more... Fully integrated into the Proteus Diagnostic Control System.
                            Supported Compilers
                            Proteus VSM models will fundamentally work with the exact same HEX file as you would program the physical device with. However, far more debugging information is available when using a compiler to write the firmware and providing these object files to Proteus in place of the HEX file provides a much richer working environment. More information on supported compilers can be found here.

                            Proteus VSM simulation of our voltmeter design. The design uses MSP430F1101 processor together with the 7-segment LED and variable resistor. The image above shows the design being debugged with the source and variables windows.
                            در ضمن تشکر فراموش نشه


                              پاسخ : Proteus 7.6 SP0 Pro + Patch

                              لینک میرور با سرعت زیاد و قابلیت Resume :
                              خود فایل :
                              کرک :
                              Aristar Group - Always And Forever


                                پاسخ : Proteus 7.6 SP0 Pro + Patch

                                یادم رفت اینم بگم
                                ویژگی جدیدی که بهش اضافه شده اینه که می تونید برنامه هایی را که با بسکام نوشته اید خط به خط شبیه سازی کنید این ویژکی در ورژن قبلی در مورد کدویژن بود که حالا بسکام هم به آن اضافه شده


                                لطفا صبر کنید...