با سلام دوستان این کد برای ماژول bmp085 که فشار و دما وارتفاع از سطح دریا محاسبه میکند میخواهم انرا به کد ویژن تبدیل کنم اما ندانم چطوری؟
/************************************************** **************************
* BMP085.cpp - BMP085/I2C (Digital Pressure Sensor) library for Arduino *
* Copyright 2010-2012 Filipe Vieira & various contributors *
* *
* This file is part of BMP085 Arduino library. *
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
************************************************** **************************/
/************************************************** **************************
* Tested on Arduino Mega with BMP085 Breakout *
* SDA -> pin 20 (no pull up resistors) *
* SCL -> pin 21 (no pull up resistors) *
* XCLR -> not connected *
* EOC -> not connected *
* GND -> pin GND *
* VCC -> pin 3.3V *
* NOTE: SCL and SDA needs pull-up resistors for each I2C bus. *
* 2.2kOhm..10kOhm, typ. 4.7kOhm *
************************************************** ***************************/
#include <Wire.h>
#include <BMP085.h>
BMP085::BMP085() {
_dev_address = BMP085_ADDR;
_pressure_waittime[0] = 5; // These are maximum convertion times.
_pressure_waittime[1] = 8; // It is possible to use pin EOC (End Of Conversion)
_pressure_waittime[2] = 14;// to check if conversion is finished (logic 1)
_pressure_waittime[3] = 26;// or running (logic 0) insted of waiting for convertion times.
_cm_Offset = 0;
_Pa_Offset = 0; // 1hPa = 100Pa = 1mbar
oldEMA = 0;
void BMP085::init() {
init(MODE_STANDARD, 0, true);
void BMP085::init(byte _BMPMode, int32_t _initVal, bool _Unitmeters){
getCalData(); // initialize cal data
calcTrueTemperature(); // initialize b5
_Unitmeters ? setLocalAbsAlt(_initVal) : setLocalPressure(_initVal);
byte BMP085::getDevAddr() {
return _dev_address;
byte BMP085::getMode(){
return _oss;
void BMP085::setMode(byte _BMPMode){
_oss = _BMPMode;
void BMP085::setLocalPressure(int32_t _Pa){
int32_t tmp_alt;
_param_datum = _Pa;
getAltitude(&tmp_alt); // calc altitude based on current pressure
_param_centimeters = tmp_alt;
void BMP085::setLocalAbsAlt(int32_t _centimeters){
int32_t tmp_Pa;
_param_centimeters = _centimeters;
getPressure(&tmp_Pa); // calc pressure based on current altitude
_param_datum = tmp_Pa;
void BMP085::setAltOffset(int32_t _centimeters){
_cm_Offset = _centimeters;
void BMP085::sethPaOffset(int32_t _Pa){
_Pa_Offset = _Pa;
void BMP085::zeroCal(int32_t _Pa, int32_t _centimeters){
setAltOffset(_centimeters - _param_centimeters);
sethPaOffset(_Pa - _param_datum);
void BMP085::getPressure(int32_t *_Pa){
long TruePressure;
*_Pa = TruePressure / pow((1 - (float)_param_centimeters / 4433000), 5.255) + _Pa_Offset;
// converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 1010.999985 becomes 1010 resulting in 1 Pa error (max).
// Note that BMP085 abs accuracy from 700...1100hPa and 0..+65؛C is +-100Pa (typ.)
void BMP085::getAltitude(int32_t *_centimeters){
long TruePressure;
*_centimeters = 4433000 * (1 - pow((TruePressure / (float)_param_datum), 0.1903)) + _cm_Offset;
// converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 100.999985 becomes 100 resulting in 1 cm error (max).
void BMP085::getTemperature(int32_t *_Temperature) {
calcTrueTemperature(); // force b5 update
*_Temperature = ((b5 + 8) >> 4);
void BMP085::calcTrueTemperature(){
long ut,x1,x2;
//read Raw Temperature
delay(5); // min. 4.5ms read Temp delay
readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 2, _buff);
ut = ((long)_buff[0] << 8 | ((long)_buff[1])); // uncompensated temperature value
// calculate temperature
x1 = ((long)ut - ac6) * ac5 >> 15;
x2 = ((long)mc << 11) / (x1 + md);
b5 = x1 + x2;
void BMP085::calcTruePressure(long *_TruePressure) {
long up,x1,x2,x3,b3,b6,p;
unsigned long b4,b7;
int32_t tmp;
calcTrueTemperature(); // b5 update
//read Raw Pressure
writemem(CONTROL, READ_PRESSURE+(_oss << 6));
readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 3, _buff);
up = ((((long)_buff[0] <<16) | ((long)_buff[1] <<8) | ((long)_buff[2])) >> (8-_oss)); // uncompensated pressure value
// calculate true pressure
b6 = b5 - 4000; // b5 is updated by calcTrueTemperature().
x1 = (b2* (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 11;
x2 = ac2 * b6 >> 11;
x3 = x1 + x2;
tmp = ac1;
tmp = (tmp * 4 + x3) << _oss;
b3 = (tmp + 2) >> 2;
x1 = ac3 * b6 >> 13;
x2 = (b1 * (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 16;
x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2) >> 2;
b4 = (ac4 * (uint32_t) (x3 + 32768)) >> 15;
b7 = ((uint32_t)up - b3) * (50000 >> _oss);
p = b7 < 0x80000000 ? (b7 << 1) / b4 : (b7 / b4) << 1;
x1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8);
x1 = (x1 * 3038) >> 16;
x2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16;
*_TruePressure = p + ((x1 + x2 + 3791) >> 4);
void BMP085::dumpCalData() {
Serial.println("---cal data start---"
Serial.println("---cal data end---"
//PRIVATE methods
void BMP085::getCalData() {
readmem(CAL_AC1, 2, _buff);
ac1 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC2, 2, _buff);
ac2 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC3, 2, _buff);
ac3 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC4, 2, _buff);
ac4 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC5, 2, _buff);
ac5 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC6, 2, _buff);
ac6 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_B1, 2, _buff);
b1 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_B2, 2, _buff);
b2 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MB, 2, _buff);
mb = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MC, 2, _buff);
mc = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MD, 2, _buff);
md = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
void BMP085::writemem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _val) {
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.write(_addr); // send register address
Wire.write(_val); // send value to write
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
void BMP085::readmem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _nbytes, uint8_t __buff[]) {
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.write(_addr); // sends register address to read from
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.requestFrom(_dev_address, _nbytes);// send data n-bytes read
uint8_t i = 0;
while (Wire.available()) {
__buff[i] = Wire.read(); // receive DATA
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
خواهش میکنم مرا راهنمایی بفرمایید
/**************************************************************************** * BMP085.cpp - BMP085/I2C (Digital Pressure Sensor) library for Arduino * * Copyright 2010-2012 Filipe Vieira & various contributors * * * * This file is part of BMP085 Arduino library. * * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Tested on Arduino Mega with BMP085 Breakout * * SDA -> pin 20 (no pull up resistors) * * SCL -> pin 21 (no pull up resistors) * * XCLR -> not connected * * EOC -> not connected * * GND -> pin GND * * VCC -> pin 3.3V * * NOTE: SCL and SDA needs pull-up resistors for each I2C bus. * * 2.2kOhm..10kOhm, typ. 4.7kOhm * *****************************************************************************/ #include <Wire.h> #include <BMP085.h> BMP085::BMP085() { _dev_address = BMP085_ADDR; _pressure_waittime[0] = 5; // These are maximum convertion times. _pressure_waittime[1] = 8; // It is possible to use pin EOC (End Of Conversion) _pressure_waittime[2] = 14;// to check if conversion is finished (logic 1) _pressure_waittime[3] = 26;// or running (logic 0) insted of waiting for convertion times. _cm_Offset = 0; _Pa_Offset = 0; // 1hPa = 100Pa = 1mbar oldEMA = 0; } void BMP085::init() { init(MODE_STANDARD, 0, true); } void BMP085::init(byte _BMPMode, int32_t _initVal, bool _Unitmeters){ getCalData(); // initialize cal data calcTrueTemperature(); // initialize b5 setMode(_BMPMode); _Unitmeters ? setLocalAbsAlt(_initVal) : setLocalPressure(_initVal); } byte BMP085::getDevAddr() { return _dev_address; } byte BMP085::getMode(){ return _oss; } void BMP085::setMode(byte _BMPMode){ _oss = _BMPMode; } void BMP085::setLocalPressure(int32_t _Pa){ int32_t tmp_alt; _param_datum = _Pa; getAltitude(&tmp_alt); // calc altitude based on current pressure _param_centimeters = tmp_alt; } void BMP085::setLocalAbsAlt(int32_t _centimeters){ int32_t tmp_Pa; _param_centimeters = _centimeters; getPressure(&tmp_Pa); // calc pressure based on current altitude _param_datum = tmp_Pa; } void BMP085::setAltOffset(int32_t _centimeters){ _cm_Offset = _centimeters; } void BMP085::sethPaOffset(int32_t _Pa){ _Pa_Offset = _Pa; } void BMP085::zeroCal(int32_t _Pa, int32_t _centimeters){ setAltOffset(_centimeters - _param_centimeters); sethPaOffset(_Pa - _param_datum); } void BMP085::getPressure(int32_t *_Pa){ long TruePressure; calcTruePressure(&TruePressure); *_Pa = TruePressure / pow((1 - (float)_param_centimeters / 4433000), 5.255) + _Pa_Offset; // converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 1010.999985 becomes 1010 resulting in 1 Pa error (max). // Note that BMP085 abs accuracy from 700...1100hPa and 0..+65؛C is +-100Pa (typ.) } void BMP085::getAltitude(int32_t *_centimeters){ long TruePressure; calcTruePressure(&TruePressure); *_centimeters = 4433000 * (1 - pow((TruePressure / (float)_param_datum), 0.1903)) + _cm_Offset; // converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 100.999985 becomes 100 resulting in 1 cm error (max). } void BMP085::getTemperature(int32_t *_Temperature) { calcTrueTemperature(); // force b5 update *_Temperature = ((b5 + 8) >> 4); } void BMP085::calcTrueTemperature(){ long ut,x1,x2; //read Raw Temperature writemem(CONTROL, READ_TEMPERATURE); delay(5); // min. 4.5ms read Temp delay readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 2, _buff); ut = ((long)_buff[0] << 8 | ((long)_buff[1])); // uncompensated temperature value // calculate temperature x1 = ((long)ut - ac6) * ac5 >> 15; x2 = ((long)mc << 11) / (x1 + md); b5 = x1 + x2; } void BMP085::calcTruePressure(long *_TruePressure) { long up,x1,x2,x3,b3,b6,p; unsigned long b4,b7; int32_t tmp; #if AUTO_UPDATE_TEMPERATURE calcTrueTemperature(); // b5 update #endif //read Raw Pressure writemem(CONTROL, READ_PRESSURE+(_oss << 6)); delay(_pressure_waittime[_oss]); readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 3, _buff); up = ((((long)_buff[0] <<16) | ((long)_buff[1] <<8) | ((long)_buff[2])) >> (8-_oss)); // uncompensated pressure value // calculate true pressure b6 = b5 - 4000; // b5 is updated by calcTrueTemperature(). x1 = (b2* (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 11; x2 = ac2 * b6 >> 11; x3 = x1 + x2; tmp = ac1; tmp = (tmp * 4 + x3) << _oss; b3 = (tmp + 2) >> 2; x1 = ac3 * b6 >> 13; x2 = (b1 * (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 16; x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2) >> 2; b4 = (ac4 * (uint32_t) (x3 + 32768)) >> 15; b7 = ((uint32_t)up - b3) * (50000 >> _oss); p = b7 < 0x80000000 ? (b7 << 1) / b4 : (b7 / b4) << 1; x1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8); x1 = (x1 * 3038) >> 16; x2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16; *_TruePressure = p + ((x1 + x2 + 3791) >> 4); } void BMP085::dumpCalData() { Serial.println("---cal data start---"); Serial.print("ac1:"); Serial.println(ac1,DEC); Serial.print("ac2:"); Serial.println(ac2,DEC); Serial.print("ac3:"); Serial.println(ac3,DEC); Serial.print("ac4:"); Serial.println(ac4,DEC); Serial.print("ac5:"); Serial.println(ac5,DEC); Serial.print("ac6:"); Serial.println(ac6,DEC); Serial.print("b1:"); Serial.println(b1,DEC); Serial.print("b2:"); Serial.println(b2,DEC); Serial.print("mb:"); Serial.println(mb,DEC); Serial.print("mc:"); Serial.println(mc,DEC); Serial.print("md:"); Serial.println(md,DEC); Serial.println("---cal data end---"); } //PRIVATE methods void BMP085::getCalData() { readmem(CAL_AC1, 2, _buff); ac1 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_AC2, 2, _buff); ac2 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_AC3, 2, _buff); ac3 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_AC4, 2, _buff); ac4 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_AC5, 2, _buff); ac5 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_AC6, 2, _buff); ac6 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_B1, 2, _buff); b1 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_B2, 2, _buff); b2 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_MB, 2, _buff); mb = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_MC, 2, _buff); mc = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); readmem(CAL_MD, 2, _buff); md = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1])); } void BMP085::writemem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _val) { Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device Wire.write(_addr); // send register address Wire.write(_val); // send value to write Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission } void BMP085::readmem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _nbytes, uint8_t __buff[]) { Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device Wire.write(_addr); // sends register address to read from Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device Wire.requestFrom(_dev_address, _nbytes);// send data n-bytes read uint8_t i = 0; while (Wire.available()) { __buff[i] = Wire.read(); // receive DATA i++; } Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission }
/************************************************** **************************
* BMP085.cpp - BMP085/I2C (Digital Pressure Sensor) library for Arduino *
* Copyright 2010-2012 Filipe Vieira & various contributors *
* *
* This file is part of BMP085 Arduino library. *
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
************************************************** **************************/
/************************************************** **************************
* Tested on Arduino Mega with BMP085 Breakout *
* SDA -> pin 20 (no pull up resistors) *
* SCL -> pin 21 (no pull up resistors) *
* XCLR -> not connected *
* EOC -> not connected *
* GND -> pin GND *
* VCC -> pin 3.3V *
* NOTE: SCL and SDA needs pull-up resistors for each I2C bus. *
* 2.2kOhm..10kOhm, typ. 4.7kOhm *
************************************************** ***************************/
#include <Wire.h>
#include <BMP085.h>
BMP085::BMP085() {
_dev_address = BMP085_ADDR;
_pressure_waittime[0] = 5; // These are maximum convertion times.
_pressure_waittime[1] = 8; // It is possible to use pin EOC (End Of Conversion)
_pressure_waittime[2] = 14;// to check if conversion is finished (logic 1)
_pressure_waittime[3] = 26;// or running (logic 0) insted of waiting for convertion times.
_cm_Offset = 0;
_Pa_Offset = 0; // 1hPa = 100Pa = 1mbar
oldEMA = 0;
void BMP085::init() {
init(MODE_STANDARD, 0, true);
void BMP085::init(byte _BMPMode, int32_t _initVal, bool _Unitmeters){
getCalData(); // initialize cal data
calcTrueTemperature(); // initialize b5
_Unitmeters ? setLocalAbsAlt(_initVal) : setLocalPressure(_initVal);
byte BMP085::getDevAddr() {
return _dev_address;
byte BMP085::getMode(){
return _oss;
void BMP085::setMode(byte _BMPMode){
_oss = _BMPMode;
void BMP085::setLocalPressure(int32_t _Pa){
int32_t tmp_alt;
_param_datum = _Pa;
getAltitude(&tmp_alt); // calc altitude based on current pressure
_param_centimeters = tmp_alt;
void BMP085::setLocalAbsAlt(int32_t _centimeters){
int32_t tmp_Pa;
_param_centimeters = _centimeters;
getPressure(&tmp_Pa); // calc pressure based on current altitude
_param_datum = tmp_Pa;
void BMP085::setAltOffset(int32_t _centimeters){
_cm_Offset = _centimeters;
void BMP085::sethPaOffset(int32_t _Pa){
_Pa_Offset = _Pa;
void BMP085::zeroCal(int32_t _Pa, int32_t _centimeters){
setAltOffset(_centimeters - _param_centimeters);
sethPaOffset(_Pa - _param_datum);
void BMP085::getPressure(int32_t *_Pa){
long TruePressure;
*_Pa = TruePressure / pow((1 - (float)_param_centimeters / 4433000), 5.255) + _Pa_Offset;
// converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 1010.999985 becomes 1010 resulting in 1 Pa error (max).
// Note that BMP085 abs accuracy from 700...1100hPa and 0..+65؛C is +-100Pa (typ.)
void BMP085::getAltitude(int32_t *_centimeters){
long TruePressure;
*_centimeters = 4433000 * (1 - pow((TruePressure / (float)_param_datum), 0.1903)) + _cm_Offset;
// converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 100.999985 becomes 100 resulting in 1 cm error (max).
void BMP085::getTemperature(int32_t *_Temperature) {
calcTrueTemperature(); // force b5 update
*_Temperature = ((b5 + 8) >> 4);
void BMP085::calcTrueTemperature(){
long ut,x1,x2;
//read Raw Temperature
delay(5); // min. 4.5ms read Temp delay
readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 2, _buff);
ut = ((long)_buff[0] << 8 | ((long)_buff[1])); // uncompensated temperature value
// calculate temperature
x1 = ((long)ut - ac6) * ac5 >> 15;
x2 = ((long)mc << 11) / (x1 + md);
b5 = x1 + x2;
void BMP085::calcTruePressure(long *_TruePressure) {
long up,x1,x2,x3,b3,b6,p;
unsigned long b4,b7;
int32_t tmp;
calcTrueTemperature(); // b5 update
//read Raw Pressure
writemem(CONTROL, READ_PRESSURE+(_oss << 6));
readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 3, _buff);
up = ((((long)_buff[0] <<16) | ((long)_buff[1] <<8) | ((long)_buff[2])) >> (8-_oss)); // uncompensated pressure value
// calculate true pressure
b6 = b5 - 4000; // b5 is updated by calcTrueTemperature().
x1 = (b2* (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 11;
x2 = ac2 * b6 >> 11;
x3 = x1 + x2;
tmp = ac1;
tmp = (tmp * 4 + x3) << _oss;
b3 = (tmp + 2) >> 2;
x1 = ac3 * b6 >> 13;
x2 = (b1 * (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 16;
x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2) >> 2;
b4 = (ac4 * (uint32_t) (x3 + 32768)) >> 15;
b7 = ((uint32_t)up - b3) * (50000 >> _oss);
p = b7 < 0x80000000 ? (b7 << 1) / b4 : (b7 / b4) << 1;
x1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8);
x1 = (x1 * 3038) >> 16;
x2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16;
*_TruePressure = p + ((x1 + x2 + 3791) >> 4);
void BMP085::dumpCalData() {
Serial.println("---cal data start---"












Serial.println("---cal data end---"

//PRIVATE methods
void BMP085::getCalData() {
readmem(CAL_AC1, 2, _buff);
ac1 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC2, 2, _buff);
ac2 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC3, 2, _buff);
ac3 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC4, 2, _buff);
ac4 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC5, 2, _buff);
ac5 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC6, 2, _buff);
ac6 = ((unsigned int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((unsigned int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_B1, 2, _buff);
b1 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_B2, 2, _buff);
b2 = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MB, 2, _buff);
mb = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MC, 2, _buff);
mc = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MD, 2, _buff);
md = ((int)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int)_buff[1]));
void BMP085::writemem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _val) {
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.write(_addr); // send register address
Wire.write(_val); // send value to write
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
void BMP085::readmem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _nbytes, uint8_t __buff[]) {
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.write(_addr); // sends register address to read from
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.requestFrom(_dev_address, _nbytes);// send data n-bytes read
uint8_t i = 0;
while (Wire.available()) {
__buff[i] = Wire.read(); // receive DATA
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
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