سلام دوستان
میخواهم کد زیر رو ( که زبان c است) رو واسه arm و kail تغییر بدم که بشه اجرا کرد. فکر نکنم زیاد سخت باشه ولی من یکی هنگ کردم خواهشا کمکم کنید
میخواهم کد زیر رو ( که زبان c است) رو واسه arm و kail تغییر بدم که بشه اجرا کرد. فکر نکنم زیاد سخت باشه ولی من یکی هنگ کردم خواهشا کمکم کنید
/********************************************* Project : Temperature by smt160 *********************************************/ #include <mega8.h> #asm .equ __lcd_port=0x12 ;PORTb #endasm #include <lcd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <delay.h> unsigned int full,half; unsigned char edge=1; char dutycycle_str[10],temprature_str[10],mm[10]; float dutycycle,temprature,temp_buf; // External Interrupt 1 service routine interrupt [EXT_INT1] void ext_int1_isr(void) { TCCR1B=0x00; if(edge>0) {//10 full=TCNT1; MCUCR =0x08; // Set interrupt on falling edge edge=0; } else { half=TCNT1; MCUCR =0x0c; // Set interrupt on rising edge edge=1; } TCNT1=0; TCCR1B=0x01; } interrupt [TIM1_CAPT] void timer1_capt_isr(void) { /*static unsigned char state=0; TCCR1B&=~0x01; switch(state){ case 0: TCCR1B&=~0x40; state=1; full=TCNT1; break; case 1: TCCR1B|=0x40; state=0; half=TCNT1; break; } TCNT1=0; TCCR1B|=0x01;*/ } void main(void) { char i; DDRD=0XF7; DDRC.0=1; // Timer/Counter 1 initialization // Clock source: System Clock // Clock value: 8000.000 kHz // Mode: Normal top=FFFFh // OC1A output: Discon. // OC1B output: Discon. // Noise Canceler: Off // Input Capture on Falling Edge // Timer 1 Overflow Interrupt: Off // Input Capture Interrupt: Off // Compare A Match Interrupt: Off // Compare B Match Interrupt: Off TCCR1A=0x00; TCCR1B=0x41; TCNT1H=0x00; TCNT1L=0x00; ICR1H=0x00; ICR1L=0x00; OCR1AH=0x00; OCR1AL=0x00; OCR1BH=0x00; OCR1BL=0x00; // Timer(s)/Counter(s) Interrupt(s) initialization TIMSK=0x20; // External Interrupt(s) initialization // INT0: Off // INT1: On // INT1 Mode: Rising Edge GICR|=0x80; MCUCR=0x0C; GIFR=0x80; // Analog Comparator initialization // Analog Comparator: Off // Analog Comparator Input Capture by Timer/Counter 1: Off // Analog Comparator Output: Off ACSR=0x80; SFIOR=0x00; //OSCCAL=255; lcd_init(16); lcd_putsf("Temp:\n"); lcd_putsf("D.C.:"); #asm("sei") //delay_ms(1000); while (1){ /* frequency of the output signal of the sensor lies between 1 and 4 kHz. D.C. = 0.320+0.00470*t D.C.= duty cycle t = Temperature in °C or duty cycle (d.c.)= 0.31924 + (0.00472 * Temperature(oC)) */ temp_buf=0; for(i=0;i<10;i++){ #asm("cli"); dutycycle=(float)half/(float)(full+half); #asm("sei"); temprature= dutycycle; temprature-=0.31924; temprature/=0.00472; temp_buf+=temprature; delay_ms(100); } temp_buf/=10; ftoa(temp_buf,1,temprature_str); ftoa(dutycycle*100 ,1,dutycycle_str); lcd_gotoxy(7,0); lcd_puts(temprature_str); lcd_putsf(" C"); lcd_gotoxy(7,1); lcd_puts(dutycycle_str); lcd_putsf(" %"); /*ftoa(full ,1,mm); lcd_gotoxy(0,0); lcd_puts(mm); ftoa(half ,1,mm); lcd_gotoxy(0,1); lcd_puts(mm);*/ //delay_ms(500); } }