من چون تازه کارم
بعضی قسمتای این کد رو متوجه نمیشم
یه جوونمرد پیدا میشه به من کمک کنه؟
بیشتر اون قسمتایی که رجیستر هارو واسه lcd تنظیم می کنه نمی فهمم چی کار کرده!!! :cry2:
من چون تازه کارم
بعضی قسمتای این کد رو متوجه نمیشم
یه جوونمرد پیدا میشه به من کمک کنه؟
#include "lcd.h" /**************************************************************************** Function Name : delay() Description :This function suspends the tasks for specified ticks. Input : ticks:no of ticks in multiple of 1 usec task: task to be suspended Output : void Note : *****************************************************************************/ void delay(int count) { int j=0,i=0; for(j=0;j<count;j++) { /* At 60Mhz, the below loop introduces delay of 10 us */ for(i=0;i<35;i++); } } /******************************************************************************************* Function Name : wait_lcd() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : ****************************************************************************************/ void wait_lcd( void ) { LCD_DATA_DIR &= ~LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_CTRL_CLR |= LCDRS; LCD_CTRL_SET |= LCDRW |LCDEN; while(LPC_GPIO0->FIOPIN & LCD_BUSY_FLAG); /* wait for busy flag to become low */ LCD_CTRL_CLR |= LCDEN | LCDRW; LCD_DATA_DIR |= LCD_DATA_MASK; delay(100); } /****************************************************************************************** Function Name : lcd_command_write() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : ****************************************************************************************/ #define DATA_POS 4 #define DELAY_COUNT 100 void lcd_command_write( unsigned char command ) { unsigned char temp=0; unsigned int temp1=0; temp=command; temp=(temp>>4)&0x0F; temp1=(temp<<DATA_POS)&LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_CTRL_CLR = LCDRS; LCD_CTRL_SET = LCDEN; LCD_DATA_CLR = LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_DATA_SET = temp1; delay(DELAY_COUNT); LCD_CTRL_CLR = LCDEN; temp=command; temp&=0x0F; temp1=(temp<<DATA_POS)&LCD_DATA_MASK; delay(DELAY_COUNT); LCD_CTRL_CLR |= LCDRS; LCD_CTRL_SET |= LCDEN; LCD_DATA_CLR = LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_DATA_SET = temp1; delay(DELAY_COUNT); LCD_CTRL_CLR |= LCDEN; wait_lcd(); } /******************************************************************************************* Function Name : set_lcd_port_output() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *********************************************************************************************/ void set_lcd_port_output( void ) { LCD_CTRL_DIR |= ( LCDEN | LCDRS | LCDRW | LCD_BACKLIGHT ); LCD_CTRL_CLR |= ( LCDEN | LCDRS | LCDRW | LCD_BACKLIGHT ); LCD_DATA_DIR |= LCD_DATA_MASK; } /***************************************************************************************** Function Name : lcd_clear() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *****************************************************************************************/ void lcd_clear( void) { lcd_command_write( 0x01 ); } /******************************************************************************************* Function Name : lcd_gotoxy() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *********************************************************************************************/ int lcd_gotoxy( unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { int retval = 0; if( (x > 1) && (y > 15) ) { retval = -1; } else { if( x == 0 ) { lcd_command_write( 0x80 + y ); /* command - position cursor at 0x00 (0x80 + 0x00 ) */ } else if( x==1 ){ lcd_command_write( 0xC0 + y ); /* command - position cursor at 0x40 (0x80 + 0x00 ) */ } } return retval; } /******************************************************************************************* Function Name : lcd_data_write() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : ********************************************************************************************/ void lcd_data_write( unsigned char data ) { unsigned char temp=0; unsigned int temp1=0; temp=data; temp=(temp>>4)&0x0F; temp1=(temp<<DATA_POS)&LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_CTRL_SET |= LCDEN|LCDRS; LCD_DATA_CLR = LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_DATA_SET = temp1; LCD_CTRL_CLR |= LCDEN; temp=data; temp&=0x0F; temp1=(temp<<DATA_POS)&LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_CTRL_SET |= LCDEN|LCDRS; LCD_DATA_CLR = LCD_DATA_MASK; LCD_DATA_SET = temp1; LCD_CTRL_CLR |= LCDEN; wait_lcd(); } /********************************************************************************************** Function Name : lcd_putchar() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *********************************************************************************************/ void lcd_putchar( int c ) { lcd_data_write( c ); } /********************************************************************************************** Function Name : lcd_putstring() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *********************************************************************************************/ void lcd_putstring( unsigned char line, char *string ) { unsigned char len = MAX_CHAR_IN_ONE_LINE; lcd_gotoxy( line, 0 ); while(*string != '\0' && len--) { lcd_putchar( *string ); string++; } } /********************************************************************************************** Function Name : lcd_backlight_on() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *********************************************************************************************/ void lcd_backlight_on() { LCD_BACK_LIGHT_DIR |= LCD_BACKLIGHT; LCD_BACK_LIGHT_SET |= LCD_BACKLIGHT; } /********************************************************************************************* Function Name : turn_off_lcd_back_light() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *********************************************************************************************/ void lcd_backlight_off(void) { LCD_BACK_LIGHT_DIR |= LCD_BACKLIGHT; LCD_BACK_LIGHT_CLR |= LCD_BACKLIGHT; } /********************************************************************************************** Function Name : init_lcd() Description : Input : Output : Void Note : *********************************************************************************************/ void init_lcd( void ) { set_lcd_port_output(); lcd_command_write(0x28); /* 4-bit interface, two line, 5X7 dots. */ // lcd_clear() ; /* LCD clear */ lcd_command_write(0x02); /* cursor home */ lcd_command_write(0x06); /* cursor move direction */ lcd_command_write(0x0C) ; /* display on */ lcd_gotoxy(0, 0); lcd_clear(); }