سلام من کد زیر رو برای ارسال دیتا بر روی ایپرام نوشتم اما هیچی روی اپیرام نوشته نمیشه، سخت افزار درسته و همینطور آدرس سخت افزاری و من مطمئن هستم مشکل از نرم افزارم هست. با تشکر
[left] #include <LPC23xx.h> #include <irq.h> #include <target.h> #include "uart.h" #include <swi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "type.h" unsigned int I2C_sla; unsigned int I2C_adr; unsigned char *I2C_buf; unsigned char data_buf[8] = {0x62,0x61,0x68,0x61,0x64,0x6F,0x72,0x20}; unsigned char data_read[8]; unsigned int read; unsigned int I2C_num; unsigned int i; void delay(int); void twi_write(unsigned char id, unsigned int address, unsigned char *s, unsigned int num); void i2c_init(void); void i2c_isr(void); int main (void) { PINSEL6 = 0x00000000; FIO3DIR0 = 0xFF; PCONP |= (1 << 19); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 1; uart_init(); putcharx(0x42); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 2; init_VIC(); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 3; install_irq(I2C1_INT, i2c_isr, LOWEST_PRIORITY); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 4; IntEnable(); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 5; //printf("writing to eeprom..."); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 6; i2c_init(); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 7; for(i=1;i<9;i++) { twi_write(0xA0, i, data_buf, 8); delay(10); } for(i=0;i<8;i++) { putcharx(data_read[i]); FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = data_read[i]; delay(100); } FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 0xFF; while(1); } void i2c_isr(void) { FIO3CLR0 = 0xff; FIO3SET0 = 0x55; switch(I21STAT & 0xF8) { case (0x08): if(read == 1) //SLA + R { I21DAT = I2C_sla & 0xFE; } else //SLA + W { I21DAT = I2C_sla; } I21CONCLR = (1 << 3)| /* SI */ (1 << 5); /* STA */ break; case (0x10): I21DAT = I2C_sla; I21CONCLR = 0x28; //slave address + W, ACK case (0x18): case (0x28): if (I2C_num > 0) { I21DAT = *I2C_buf++; I21CONCLR = 0x28; /*STA */ I2C_num--; } else { I21CONSET = (1 << 4); /* STO */ I21CONCLR = 0x28; /* STA */ } break; default: break; } I21CONCLR = 0x08; // clear I2C interrupt flag VICVectAddr = 0x00; } void delay(int x) { int j; x = x * 10000; for(j=0;j<x;j++); } void twi_write(unsigned char id, unsigned int address, unsigned char *s, unsigned int num) { I2C_sla = id; I2C_adr = address; I2C_num = num; I2C_buf = s; read = 0; I21CONCLR = (1 << 2)| /* AA */ (1 << 3)| /* SI */ (1 << 5); /* STA */ I21CONSET = (1 << 5)| /* STA */ (1 << 6); /* I2CEN*/ delay(10); } void i2c_init() { //I2Cbitfrequency = fPCLK / (2CSCLH + I2CSCLL) PINSEL0 |= 0x0000000F; // set P0.0 and P0.1 to I2C1 SDA and SCK I21SCLL = (Fpclk / 200000 + 1) / 2; I21SCLH = (Fpclk / 200000) / 2; I21CONCLR = 0x000000FF; I21CONSET = 0x00000040; } [/left]