بسم الله
با سلام و عرض تبریک به مناسبت میلاد بهترین و مهربانترین و اشرف انسانها پیامبر خاتم محمد مصطفی صل الله علیه و اله وسلم
دو برنامه جدا هست از اساتیدی که براشون امکان داره میخواهم که این 2 برنامه را باهم تلفیق کنن
به نحوی که همزمان ساعت روی 4 عدد 7segment ،و نمایش تاریخ روی ماژول 6 رقمی max7219 قابل نمایش باشد.
در ضمن این برنامه تاریخ میلادی و شمسی را بدون خطا نشون میده اما اگه گسی میتونه تاریخ قمری هم بهش اضافه کنه کاملتر میشه.
قطعات مور استفاده:
2-چهار عدد 7segment آند مشترک
3- مازول 6رقمی max7219
4- ماژول ds3231
5- شیفت رجیستر 74HC595
1- نمایش ساعت روی 4 عدد 7segment آند مشترک
2- نمایش تاریخ میلادی و شمسی و ساعت روی ماژول 6 رقمی با چیپ max7219
با سلام و عرض تبریک به مناسبت میلاد بهترین و مهربانترین و اشرف انسانها پیامبر خاتم محمد مصطفی صل الله علیه و اله وسلم
دو برنامه جدا هست از اساتیدی که براشون امکان داره میخواهم که این 2 برنامه را باهم تلفیق کنن
به نحوی که همزمان ساعت روی 4 عدد 7segment ،و نمایش تاریخ روی ماژول 6 رقمی max7219 قابل نمایش باشد.
در ضمن این برنامه تاریخ میلادی و شمسی را بدون خطا نشون میده اما اگه گسی میتونه تاریخ قمری هم بهش اضافه کنه کاملتر میشه.
قطعات مور استفاده:
2-چهار عدد 7segment آند مشترک
3- مازول 6رقمی max7219
4- ماژول ds3231
5- شیفت رجیستر 74HC595
1- نمایش ساعت روی 4 عدد 7segment آند مشترک
//Four-Digit 7 Segments Multiplexing using Arduino: Display time in HH:MM //CIRCUIT DIGEST #include <Wire.h> //Library for SPI communication #include <DS3231.h> //Library for RTC module #define latchPin 7 #define clockPin 5 #define dataPin 6 #define dot 27 DS3231 RTC; //Declare object RTC for class DS3231 int h; //Variable declared for hour int m; //Variable declared for minute int thousands; int hundreds; int tens; int unit; bool h24; bool PM; void setup () { Wire.begin(); pinMode(A0, OUTPUT); pinMode(A1, OUTPUT); pinMode(A2, OUTPUT); pinMode(A3, OUTPUT); pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dot, OUTPUT); } void loop () { digitalWrite(dot, HIGH); int h = RTC.getHour(h24, PM); //To get the Hour from DS3231 int m = RTC.getMinute(); //TO get the minute from DS3231 int number = h * 100 + m; //Converts hour and minute in 4-digit int t = unit; int u = tens; int v = hundreds; int w = thousands; Serial.begin(115200); Serial.print(thousands); Serial.println(hundreds); Serial.print(tens); Serial.println(unit); //Converting the individual digits into corresponding number for passing it through the shift register so LEDs are turned ON or OFF in seven segment // Up at the top: const byte SevenSegmentDigits[10] = {192, 249, 164, 176, 153, 146, 130, 248, 128, 144}; // then your four big switch statements become: unit = SevenSegmentDigits[t]; tens = SevenSegmentDigits[u]; hundreds = SevenSegmentDigits[v]; thousands = SevenSegmentDigits[w]; digitalWrite(A0, HIGH); digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, SevenSegmentDigits[(number / 1000) % 10]); // Getting thousand digit from 4 digit & sent it digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // Set latch pin HIGH to store the inputs delay(500); // delay for multiplexing digitalWrite(A0, LOW); // Turinig on that thousands digit digitalWrite(A1, HIGH); digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, SevenSegmentDigits[(number / 100) % 10]); // Getting hundreds digit from 4 digit & sent it digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(A1, LOW); digitalWrite(A2, HIGH); digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, SevenSegmentDigits[(number / 10) % 10]); // Getting tens digit from 4 digit & sent it digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(A2, LOW); digitalWrite(A3, HIGH); digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, SevenSegmentDigits[number % 10]); // Getting last uint digit from 4 digit & sent it digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); delay(500 ); digitalWrite(A3, LOW); }
// CONNECTIONS: // DS3231 SDA --> SDA // DS3231 SCL --> SCL // DS3231 VCC --> 3.3v or 5v // DS3231 GND --> GND /* for software wire use below #include <SoftwareWire.h> // must be included here so that Arduino library object file references work #include <RtcDS3231.h> SoftwareWire myWire(SDA, SCL); RtcDS3231<SoftwareWire> Rtc(myWire); for software wire use above */ /* for normal hardware wire use below */ #include <Wire.h> // must be included here so that Arduino library object file references work #include <RtcDS3231.h> RtcDS3231<TwoWire> Rtc(Wire); /* for normal hardware wire use above */ /*NEW for normal hardware wire use below */ //#include <NTPClient.h> //#include <WiFi.h> //#include <WiFiUdp.h> // NTP //WiFiUDP ntpUDP; // RTC Libraries //#include <RtcDateTime.h> //#include "RTClib.h" //RTC_DS3231 rtc; #include <JDateLib.h> /*NEW for normal hardware wire use above */ // WiFi details //const char *ssid = "mik"; //const char *password = "123"; String jdate; // Jalali Date String int JY, JM, JD; // Jalali Year & Month & Day Intiger char t[30]; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // define pins attached to MAX7219 (and also see notes above) #define MAX7219_DIN 23 #define MAX7219_CS 5 #define MAX7219_CLK 18 // enumerate the MAX7219 registers // See MAX7219 Datasheet, Table 2, page 7 enum { MAX7219_REG_DECODE = 0x09, MAX7219_REG_INTENSITY = 0x0A, MAX7219_REG_SCANLIMIT = 0x0B, MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN = 0x0C, MAX7219_REG_DISPTEST = 0x0F }; // enumerate the SHUTDOWN modes // See MAX7219 Datasheet, Table 3, page 7 enum { OFF = 0, ON = 1 }; const byte DP = 0b10000000; const byte C = 0b01001110; const byte F = 0b01000111; //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /* void WiFi_Setup() { Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); // } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected!"); } */ // ************************************ void setup () { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.print("compiled: "); Serial.print(__DATE__); Serial.println(__TIME__); // Farakhani dastorate Wifi jahat ejra //WiFi_Setup(); //+++++++++++++++++++++++++ //moarefi khoroji esp32 be max7219 Serial.println("max7219_7segment_date_time_temp"); // define type of pin pinMode(MAX7219_DIN, OUTPUT); // serial data-in pinMode(MAX7219_CS, OUTPUT); // chip-select, active low pinMode(MAX7219_CLK, OUTPUT); // serial clock digitalWrite(MAX7219_CS, HIGH); resetDisplay(); // reset the MAX2719 display //+++++++++++++++++++++++++ //--------RTC SETUP ------------ // if you are using ESP-01 then uncomment the line below to reset the pins to // the available pins for SDA, SCL // Wire.begin(0, 2); // due to limited pins, use pin 0 and 2 for SDA, SCL Rtc.Begin(); // This Below line sets the DS3231 time to the exact date and time the sketch was compiled: RtcDateTime compiled = RtcDateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); printDateTime(compiled); Serial.println(); if (!Rtc.IsDateTimeValid()) { if (Rtc.LastError() != 0) { // we have a communications error // see https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/WireEndTransmission for // what the number means Serial.print("RTC communications error = "); Serial.println(Rtc.LastError()); } else { // Common Causes: // 1) first time you ran and the device wasn't running yet // 2) the battery on the device is low or even missing Serial.println("RTC lost confidence in the DateTime!"); // following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled // it will also reset the valid flag internally unless the Rtc device is // having an issue Rtc.SetDateTime(compiled); } } if (!Rtc.GetIsRunning()) { Serial.println("RTC was not actively running, starting now"); Rtc.SetIsRunning(true); } RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); if (now < compiled) { Serial.println("RTC is older than compile time! (Updating DateTime)"); Rtc.SetDateTime(compiled); } else if (now > compiled) { Serial.println("RTC is newer than compile time. (this is expected)"); } else if (now == compiled) { Serial.println("RTC is the same as compile time! (not expected but all is fine)"); } // never assume the Rtc was last configured by you, so // just clear them to your needed state Rtc.Enable32kHzPin(false); Rtc.SetSquareWavePin(DS3231SquareWavePin_ModeNone); } void loop () { if (!Rtc.IsDateTimeValid()) { if (Rtc.LastError() != 0) { // we have a communications error // see https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/WireEndTransmission for // what the number means Serial.print("RTC communications error = "); Serial.println(Rtc.LastError()); } else { // Common Causes: // 1) the battery on the device is low or even missing and the power line was disconnected Serial.println("RTC lost confidence in the DateTime!"); } } String str; // scratch or working string RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); printDateTime(now); Serial.println(); // ... display Time, hh-mm-ss for ( int i = 0; i < 60; i++ ) { // read the time as a string from the RTC RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); sprintf(t, "%02d:%02d:%02d", now.Hour(), now.Minute(), now.Second()); //Serial.println(t); // debug displayTime(t); // display on the 7-segment delay(1000); } // ... display Date Miladi, yyyy.mm.dd sprintf(t, "%04d/%02d/%02d", now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day()); Serial.print(F("Date miladi: ")); Serial.println(t); displayDate(t); // display on the 7-segment delay(5000); //....display Date, yyyy.mm.dd convert Miladi To Shamsi and print { //Read From Class RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); int y = now.Year(); int m = now.Month(); int d = now.Day(); //Send To Jdate Lib Date now(y, m, d); jdate = now.JDate(); JY = now.JYear(); JM = now.JMonth(); JD = now.JDay(); //Serial.println(JY); //Serial.println(JM); //Serial.println(JD); sprintf(t, "%04d/%02d/%02d", now.JYear(), now.JDay(), now.JMonth()); Serial.print(F("Date shamsi: ")); Serial.println(t); //Serial.println(jdate); displayDate2(t); // display on the 7-segment delay(6000); } // ... display Temperature in Celsius, xx.xx C // read the temperature, as a float, from the RTC RtcTemperature temp = Rtc.GetTemperature(); str = String(temp.AsFloatDegC(), 2); // format that value //Serial.println(str); // debug displayTemp(str, C); // display on the 7-segment delay(4000); // ... display Temperature in Fahrenheit, xx.xx F //t = t * 1.8 + 32.0; // convert the value to Fahrenheit str = String(temp.AsFloatDegF(), 1); // format that value //Serial.println(str); // debug displayTemp(str, F); // display on the 7-segment delay(1000); } // Utility print function #define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) void printDateTime(const RtcDateTime& dt) { char datestring[20]; snprintf_P(datestring, countof(datestring), PSTR("%04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u"), dt.Year(), dt.Month(), dt.Day(), dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second() ); Serial.print(datestring); } // ... write a value into a max7219 register // See MAX7219 Datasheet, Table 1, page 6 void set_register(byte reg, byte value) { digitalWrite(MAX7219_CS, LOW); shiftOut(MAX7219_DIN, MAX7219_CLK, MSBFIRST, reg); shiftOut(MAX7219_DIN, MAX7219_CLK, MSBFIRST, value); digitalWrite(MAX7219_CS, HIGH); } // ... reset the max7219 chip void resetDisplay() { set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, OFF); // turn off display set_register(MAX7219_REG_DISPTEST, OFF); // turn off test mode set_register(MAX7219_REG_INTENSITY, 0x0D); // display intensity } // ... display the DATE miladi on the 7-segment display void displayDate(String dateString) { set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, OFF); // turn off display set_register(MAX7219_REG_SCANLIMIT, 7); // scan limit 8 digits set_register(MAX7219_REG_DECODE, 0b11111111); // decode all digits set_register(1, dateString.charAt(9)); set_register(2, dateString.charAt(8)); set_register(3, dateString.charAt(6) | DP); set_register(4, dateString.charAt(5)); set_register(5, dateString.charAt(3) | DP); // plus decimal point set_register(6, dateString.charAt(2)); set_register(7, dateString.charAt(1)); set_register(8, dateString.charAt(0)); set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, ON); // Turn on display } // ... display the DATE shamsi on the 7-segment display void displayDate2(String dateString) { set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, OFF); // turn off display set_register(MAX7219_REG_SCANLIMIT, 7); // scan limit 8 digits set_register(MAX7219_REG_DECODE, 0b11111111); // decode all digits set_register(1, dateString.charAt(9)); set_register(2, dateString.charAt(8)); set_register(3, dateString.charAt(6) | DP); set_register(4, dateString.charAt(5)); set_register(5, dateString.charAt(3) | DP); // plus decimal point set_register(6, dateString.charAt(2)); set_register(7, dateString.charAt(1)); set_register(8, dateString.charAt(0)); set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, ON); // Turn on display } // ... display the TIME on the 7-segment display void displayTime(String timeString) { set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, OFF); // turn off display set_register(MAX7219_REG_SCANLIMIT, 7); // scan limit 8 digits set_register(MAX7219_REG_DECODE, 0b11111111); // decode all digits set_register(1, timeString.charAt(7)); set_register(2, timeString.charAt(6)); set_register(3, timeString.charAt(5)); set_register(4, timeString.charAt(4)); set_register(5, timeString.charAt(3)); set_register(6, timeString.charAt(2)); set_register(7, timeString.charAt(1)); set_register(8, timeString.charAt(0)); set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, ON); // Turn on display } // ... display the TEMP on the 7-segment display void displayTemp(String tempString, char C_or_F ) { set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, OFF); // turn off display set_register(MAX7219_REG_SCANLIMIT, 5); // scan limit 6 digits set_register(MAX7219_REG_DECODE, 0b00111100); // decode 4 digits set_register(1, C_or_F); set_register(2, 0); // blank set_register(3, tempString.charAt(4)); set_register(4, tempString.charAt(3)); set_register(5, tempString.charAt(1) | DP); // plus decimal point set_register(6, tempString.charAt(0)); set_register(MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, ON); // Turn On display }