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طراحی مبدل دلتا سیگما

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    طراحی مبدل دلتا سیگما

    سلام من میخوام مبدل دلتا سیگما طراحی کنم ولی نمیدونم از کجا شروع کنم .کسی میتونه راهنماییمکنه ؟ :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    پاسخ : طراحی مبدل دلتا سیگما

    نوشته اصلی توسط nanebarghi
    سلام من میخوام مبدل دلتا سیگما طراحی کنم ولی نمیدونم از کجا شروع کنم .کسی میتونه راهنماییمکنه ؟ :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
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      پاسخ : طراحی مبدل دلتا سیگما

      منبع فارسی اصول دیتا کنورتر ها انتشارات علوم و فنون
      منبع انگلیسی
      Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters
      Publisher: Wiley | Pages: 464 | 2004-11-08 | ISBN: 0471465852 | PDF | 8 MB

      Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters brings readers a clear understanding of the principles of delta-sigma (ΔΣ) converter operationanalog to digital and digital to analog. It introduces the best computer-aided analysis and design techniques available. With an understanding of the great versatility of the ΔΣ converter, readers can apply their new knowledge to a wide variety of applications, including digital telephony, digital audio, wireless and wired communications, medical electronics, and industrial and scientific instrumentation. The authors make the material accessible to all design engineers by focusing on developing an understanding of the physical operation rather than getting mired in complex mathematical treatments and derivations.

      Written for entry-level readers, the publication has a natural flow that begins with basic concepts, enabling the readers to develop a solid foundation for the book's more complex material. The text, therefore, starts with a general introduction to the ΔΣ converter, including a brief historical overview to place it in context. Next, the publication introduces the first-order ΔΣ modulator, covering oversampling, noise-shaping, decimation filtering and other key concepts. Then, using the first-order modulator as a foundation, second and higher-order modulators are presented and analyzed. Finally, the authors delve into implementation considerations and present several design examples using the Delta-Sigma Toolbox.

      Everything needed to facilitate quick comprehension and help readers apply their newly learned principles is provided: Simplified methods to understand complicated concepts such as spectral estimation and switched noise References that lead to in-depth analysis of specialized topics Figures and charts that illustrate complex design issues Conclusion section at the end of each chapter that highlights the key points Reference manual for the Delta-Sigma Toolbox, along with numerous practical examples that illustrate the use of the Toolbox

      This is essential reading for all design engineers who want to learn and fully harness the powerful capabilities of ΔΣ data converters. Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students will find the book's logical organization and clear style, coupled with numerous practical examples, a great entry into the field.


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