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http://rapidshare.de/files/22594524/Balanis__Constantine_A._-_Antenna_Theory__Analysis_and_Design__2nd_Ed___Joh n_Willey_1997_.part1.rar
برای دانلود قسمت اول کتاب با حجم 97.66 MB اینجا کلیک بکنید
http://rapidshare.de/files/22595136/Balanis__Constantine_A._-_Antenna_Theory__Analysis_and_Design__2nd_Ed___Joh n_Willey_1997_.part2.rar
Antenna Fundamentals
* Basic Antenna Concepts
* What is an Antenna?
* Wavelength
* Impedance Matching
* VSWR and Reflected Power
* Bandwidth
* Power Gain
* Directivity and Gain
* Gain Measurement
* Radiation Patterns
* Antenna Pattern Types
* Omnidirectional Antennas
* Directional Antennas
* Beamwidth
* Near-Field and Far-Field Patterns
* Antenna Polarization
* Basic Antenna Types
o / Wave
o Loaded / Wave
o / Wave
o / Wave
o Collinear
o Dipole
o Embedded Omni
o Yagi
o Omni-ceiling Mount
o Parabolic
* Radiall/Larsen Antenna Types
* Mobile Antenna PlacementRadiation patterns
* Directivity and gain
* Effective aperture
* Small antennas
* Ground planes
Antenna Theory & Design Principles
* Principle of Antennas and Wave Propagation
* Types of Antennas, Radiation Mechanism (Single Wire, Two-Wires, Dipole)
* Current Distribution on Thin Wire Antenna
* Radiation Pattern
* Gain Antenna types, composition and operational principles EIRPAntenna gains, patterns, and selection principles Antenna system testing
* Fundamental Parameters of Antennas
* Radiation Pattern and types
* Radiation Intensity and Power Density
* Directivity, Gain, Half Power Beamwidth
* Beam Efficiency, Antenna Efficiency
* Bandwidth, Polarization (Linear, Circular and Elliptical)
* Polarization Loss Factor
Antenna Arrays
* Linear arrays
* Pattern control with arrays
* Array directivity
* Array design
* Mutual coupling
* Phased arrays
* Microstrip elements and arrays
* Operational array examples
* Future trends in arrays
The Far-Field Integrals, Reciprocity, Directivity.
* Electrostatics and Magnetostatics in Free Space
* The Introduction of Dielectric, Magnetic, and Conductive Materials.
* Time-Varying Fields
* The Retarded Potential Functions
* Poynting's Theorem.
* The Stratton-Chu Solution
* Conditions at Infinity
* Field Values in the Excluded Regions
* The Retarded Potential Functions: Reprise
* The Far Field: Type I Antennas
* The Schelkunoff Equivalence Principle
* The Far Field: Type IL Antennas
* The Reciprocity Theorem
* Equivalence of the Transmitting and Receiving Patterns of an Antenna
* Directivity and Gain
* Receiving Cross Section
* Polarization of the Electric Field
Radiation Patterns of Dipoles, Loops, and Helices
* The Center-Fed Dipole
* Images in a Ground Plane
* A Monopole Above a Ground Plane
* A Dipole in Front of a Ground Plane
* The Small Current Loop
* Traveling Wave Current on a Loop
* The End-Fire Helix
Radiation Patterns of Horns, Slots and Patch Antennas
* The Open-Ended Waveguide
* Radiation from Horns
* Center-Fed Slot in Large Ground Plane
* Waveguide-Fed Slots
* Theory of Waveguide-Fed Slot Radiators
* Patch Antennas
Linear Arrays: Analysis
* Pattern Formulas for Arrays with Arbitrary Element Positions
* Linear Arrays: Preliminaries
* Schelkunoff's Unit Circle Representation
Linear Arrays: Synthesis
* Sum and Difference Patterns
* Dolph-Chebyshev Synthesis of Sum Patterns
* Sum Pattern Beamwidth of Linear Arrays
* Peak Directivity of the Sum Pattern of a Linear Array
* A Relation Between Beamwidth and Peak Directivity for Linear Arrays
* Taylor Synthesis of Sum Patterns
* Modified Taylor Patterns
* Sum Patterns with Arbitrary Side Lobe Topography
* Discretization of a Continuous Line Source Distribution
* Bayliss Synthesis of Difference Patterns
* Difference Patterns with Arbitrary Side Lobe Topography
* Discretization Applied to Difference Patterns
* Design of Linear Arrays to Produce Null-Free Patterns
Planar Arrays: Analysis and Synthesis
* Rectangular Grid Arrays: Rectangular Boundary and Separable Distribution
* Circular Taylor Patterns
* Modified Circular Taylor Patterns: Ring Side Lobes of Individually Arbitrary Heights
* Modified Circular Taylor Patterns: Undulating Ring Side Lobes
* Sampling Generalized Taylor Distributions: Rectangular Grid Arrays
* Sampling Generalized Taylor Distributions: Circular Grid Arrays
* An Improved Discretizing Technique for Circular Grid Arrays
* Rectangular Grid Arrays with Rectangular Boundaries: Nonseparable Tseng-Cheng Distributions
* A Discretizing Technique for Rectangular Grid Arrays
* Circular Bayliss Patterns
* Modified Circular Bayliss Patterns
* The Discretizing Technique Applied to Planar Arrays Excited to Give a Difference Pattern
* Comparative Performance of Separable and Nonseparable Excitations for Planar Apertures
* Fourier Integral Representation of the Far Field
Self-Impedance and Mutual Impedance of Antenna Elements
* The Current Distribution on an Antenna: General Formulation
* The Cylindrical Dipole: Arbitrary Cross Section
* The Cylindrical Dipole: Circular Cross Section, Hallen's Formulation
* The Method of Moments
* Solution of Hallén's Integral Equation: Pulse Functions
* Solution of Hallé'n's Integral Equation: Sinusoidal Basis Functions
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: Induced EMF Method
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: Storer's Variational Solution
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: Zeroth and First Order Solutions to Hallen's Integral Equation
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: King-Middleton Second-Order Solution
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Strip Dipoles
* The Derivation of a Formula for the Mutual Impedance Between Slender Dipoles
* The Exact Field of a Dipole: Sinusoidal Current Distribution
* Computation of the Mutual Impedance Between Slender Dipoles
* The Self-Admittance of Center-Fed Slots in a Large Ground Plane: Booker's Relation
* Arrays of Center-Fed Slots in a Large Ground Plane: Self-Admittance and Mutual Admittance
* The Self-Impedance of a Patch Antenna
The Design of Feeding Structures for Antenna Elements and Arrays
* Design of a Coaxially Fed Monopole with Large Ground Plane
* Design of a Balun-Fed Dipole Above a Large Ground Plane
* Two-Wire-Fed Slots: Open and Cavity-Backed
* Coaxially Fed Helix Plus Ground Plane
* The Design of an Endfire Dipole Array
* Yagi-Uda Type Dipole Arrays: Two Elements
* Yagi-Uda Type Dipole Arrays: Three or More Elements
* Frequency-Independent Antennas: Log-Periodic Arrays
* Ground Plane Backed Linear Dipole Arrays
* Ground Plane Backed Planar Dipole Arrays
* The Design of a Scanning Array
* The Design of Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays: The Concept of Active Slot Admittance (Impedance)
* Arrays of Longitudinal Shunt Slots in a Broad Wall of Rectangular Waveguides: The Basic Design Equations
* The Design of Linear Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays
* The Design of Planar Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays
* Sum and Difference Patterns for Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays; Mutual Coupling Included
Traveling Wave Antennas
* The Long Wire Antenna
* Rhombic and Vee-Antennas
* Dielectric-Clad Planar Conductors
* Corrugated Planar Conductors
* Surface Wave Excitation
* Surface Wave Antennas
* Fast Wave Antennas
* Trough Waveguide Antennas
* Traveling Wave Arrays of Quasi-Resonant Discretely Spaced Slots [Main Beam at ?= arccos(ß/k)]
* Traveling Wave Arrays of Quasi-Resonant Discretely Spaced Slots (Main Beam Near Broadside)
* Frequency Scanned Arrays
Reflectors and Lenses
* Geometrical Optics: The Eikonal Equation
* Simple Reflectors
* Aperture Blockage
* The Design of a Shaped Cylindrical Reflector
* The Design of a Doubly Curved Reflector
* Radiation Patterns of Reflector Antennas: The Aperture Field Method
* Radiation Patterns of Reflector Antennas: The Current Distribution Method
* Dual Shaped Reflector Systems
* Single Surface Dielectric Lenses
* Stepped Lenses
* Surface Mismatch, Frequency Sensitivity, and Dielectric Loss for Lens Antennas
* The Far Field of a Dielectric Lens Antenna
* The Design of a Shaped Cylindrical Lens
* Artificial Dielectrics: Discs and Strips
* Artificial Dielectrics: Metal Plate (Constrained) Lenses
* The Luneburg Lens
http://rapidshare.de/files/22594524/Balanis__Constantine_A._-_Antenna_Theory__Analysis_and_Design__2nd_Ed___Joh n_Willey_1997_.part1.rar
برای دانلود قسمت اول کتاب با حجم 97.66 MB اینجا کلیک بکنید
http://rapidshare.de/files/22595136/Balanis__Constantine_A._-_Antenna_Theory__Analysis_and_Design__2nd_Ed___Joh n_Willey_1997_.part2.rar
Antenna Fundamentals
* Basic Antenna Concepts
* What is an Antenna?
* Wavelength
* Impedance Matching
* VSWR and Reflected Power
* Bandwidth
* Power Gain
* Directivity and Gain
* Gain Measurement
* Radiation Patterns
* Antenna Pattern Types
* Omnidirectional Antennas
* Directional Antennas
* Beamwidth
* Near-Field and Far-Field Patterns
* Antenna Polarization
* Basic Antenna Types
o / Wave
o Loaded / Wave
o / Wave
o / Wave
o Collinear
o Dipole
o Embedded Omni
o Yagi
o Omni-ceiling Mount
o Parabolic
* Radiall/Larsen Antenna Types
* Mobile Antenna PlacementRadiation patterns
* Directivity and gain
* Effective aperture
* Small antennas
* Ground planes
Antenna Theory & Design Principles
* Principle of Antennas and Wave Propagation
* Types of Antennas, Radiation Mechanism (Single Wire, Two-Wires, Dipole)
* Current Distribution on Thin Wire Antenna
* Radiation Pattern
* Gain Antenna types, composition and operational principles EIRPAntenna gains, patterns, and selection principles Antenna system testing
* Fundamental Parameters of Antennas
* Radiation Pattern and types
* Radiation Intensity and Power Density
* Directivity, Gain, Half Power Beamwidth
* Beam Efficiency, Antenna Efficiency
* Bandwidth, Polarization (Linear, Circular and Elliptical)
* Polarization Loss Factor
Antenna Arrays
* Linear arrays
* Pattern control with arrays
* Array directivity
* Array design
* Mutual coupling
* Phased arrays
* Microstrip elements and arrays
* Operational array examples
* Future trends in arrays
The Far-Field Integrals, Reciprocity, Directivity.
* Electrostatics and Magnetostatics in Free Space
* The Introduction of Dielectric, Magnetic, and Conductive Materials.
* Time-Varying Fields
* The Retarded Potential Functions
* Poynting's Theorem.
* The Stratton-Chu Solution
* Conditions at Infinity
* Field Values in the Excluded Regions
* The Retarded Potential Functions: Reprise
* The Far Field: Type I Antennas
* The Schelkunoff Equivalence Principle
* The Far Field: Type IL Antennas
* The Reciprocity Theorem
* Equivalence of the Transmitting and Receiving Patterns of an Antenna
* Directivity and Gain
* Receiving Cross Section
* Polarization of the Electric Field
Radiation Patterns of Dipoles, Loops, and Helices
* The Center-Fed Dipole
* Images in a Ground Plane
* A Monopole Above a Ground Plane
* A Dipole in Front of a Ground Plane
* The Small Current Loop
* Traveling Wave Current on a Loop
* The End-Fire Helix
Radiation Patterns of Horns, Slots and Patch Antennas
* The Open-Ended Waveguide
* Radiation from Horns
* Center-Fed Slot in Large Ground Plane
* Waveguide-Fed Slots
* Theory of Waveguide-Fed Slot Radiators
* Patch Antennas
Linear Arrays: Analysis
* Pattern Formulas for Arrays with Arbitrary Element Positions
* Linear Arrays: Preliminaries
* Schelkunoff's Unit Circle Representation
Linear Arrays: Synthesis
* Sum and Difference Patterns
* Dolph-Chebyshev Synthesis of Sum Patterns
* Sum Pattern Beamwidth of Linear Arrays
* Peak Directivity of the Sum Pattern of a Linear Array
* A Relation Between Beamwidth and Peak Directivity for Linear Arrays
* Taylor Synthesis of Sum Patterns
* Modified Taylor Patterns
* Sum Patterns with Arbitrary Side Lobe Topography
* Discretization of a Continuous Line Source Distribution
* Bayliss Synthesis of Difference Patterns
* Difference Patterns with Arbitrary Side Lobe Topography
* Discretization Applied to Difference Patterns
* Design of Linear Arrays to Produce Null-Free Patterns
Planar Arrays: Analysis and Synthesis
* Rectangular Grid Arrays: Rectangular Boundary and Separable Distribution
* Circular Taylor Patterns
* Modified Circular Taylor Patterns: Ring Side Lobes of Individually Arbitrary Heights
* Modified Circular Taylor Patterns: Undulating Ring Side Lobes
* Sampling Generalized Taylor Distributions: Rectangular Grid Arrays
* Sampling Generalized Taylor Distributions: Circular Grid Arrays
* An Improved Discretizing Technique for Circular Grid Arrays
* Rectangular Grid Arrays with Rectangular Boundaries: Nonseparable Tseng-Cheng Distributions
* A Discretizing Technique for Rectangular Grid Arrays
* Circular Bayliss Patterns
* Modified Circular Bayliss Patterns
* The Discretizing Technique Applied to Planar Arrays Excited to Give a Difference Pattern
* Comparative Performance of Separable and Nonseparable Excitations for Planar Apertures
* Fourier Integral Representation of the Far Field
Self-Impedance and Mutual Impedance of Antenna Elements
* The Current Distribution on an Antenna: General Formulation
* The Cylindrical Dipole: Arbitrary Cross Section
* The Cylindrical Dipole: Circular Cross Section, Hallen's Formulation
* The Method of Moments
* Solution of Hallén's Integral Equation: Pulse Functions
* Solution of Hallé'n's Integral Equation: Sinusoidal Basis Functions
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: Induced EMF Method
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: Storer's Variational Solution
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: Zeroth and First Order Solutions to Hallen's Integral Equation
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Cylindrical Dipoles: King-Middleton Second-Order Solution
* Self-Impedance of Center-Fed Strip Dipoles
* The Derivation of a Formula for the Mutual Impedance Between Slender Dipoles
* The Exact Field of a Dipole: Sinusoidal Current Distribution
* Computation of the Mutual Impedance Between Slender Dipoles
* The Self-Admittance of Center-Fed Slots in a Large Ground Plane: Booker's Relation
* Arrays of Center-Fed Slots in a Large Ground Plane: Self-Admittance and Mutual Admittance
* The Self-Impedance of a Patch Antenna
The Design of Feeding Structures for Antenna Elements and Arrays
* Design of a Coaxially Fed Monopole with Large Ground Plane
* Design of a Balun-Fed Dipole Above a Large Ground Plane
* Two-Wire-Fed Slots: Open and Cavity-Backed
* Coaxially Fed Helix Plus Ground Plane
* The Design of an Endfire Dipole Array
* Yagi-Uda Type Dipole Arrays: Two Elements
* Yagi-Uda Type Dipole Arrays: Three or More Elements
* Frequency-Independent Antennas: Log-Periodic Arrays
* Ground Plane Backed Linear Dipole Arrays
* Ground Plane Backed Planar Dipole Arrays
* The Design of a Scanning Array
* The Design of Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays: The Concept of Active Slot Admittance (Impedance)
* Arrays of Longitudinal Shunt Slots in a Broad Wall of Rectangular Waveguides: The Basic Design Equations
* The Design of Linear Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays
* The Design of Planar Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays
* Sum and Difference Patterns for Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays; Mutual Coupling Included
Traveling Wave Antennas
* The Long Wire Antenna
* Rhombic and Vee-Antennas
* Dielectric-Clad Planar Conductors
* Corrugated Planar Conductors
* Surface Wave Excitation
* Surface Wave Antennas
* Fast Wave Antennas
* Trough Waveguide Antennas
* Traveling Wave Arrays of Quasi-Resonant Discretely Spaced Slots [Main Beam at ?= arccos(ß/k)]
* Traveling Wave Arrays of Quasi-Resonant Discretely Spaced Slots (Main Beam Near Broadside)
* Frequency Scanned Arrays
Reflectors and Lenses
* Geometrical Optics: The Eikonal Equation
* Simple Reflectors
* Aperture Blockage
* The Design of a Shaped Cylindrical Reflector
* The Design of a Doubly Curved Reflector
* Radiation Patterns of Reflector Antennas: The Aperture Field Method
* Radiation Patterns of Reflector Antennas: The Current Distribution Method
* Dual Shaped Reflector Systems
* Single Surface Dielectric Lenses
* Stepped Lenses
* Surface Mismatch, Frequency Sensitivity, and Dielectric Loss for Lens Antennas
* The Far Field of a Dielectric Lens Antenna
* The Design of a Shaped Cylindrical Lens
* Artificial Dielectrics: Discs and Strips
* Artificial Dielectrics: Metal Plate (Constrained) Lenses
* The Luneburg Lens