یه سوال، نظرتون راجع به این میکرو های چند هسته ای چیه؟ هم ارزونن هم خیلی پیشزفته!8 هسته دارن!
Parallax Propeller
اینم یکی از مزایاش:
With the set of pre-built Parallax “objects” for video, mice, keyboards, RF, LCDs, stepper motors and
sensors your Propeller application is a matter of high-level integration. The Propeller is recommended for those with previous microcontroller experience.
Parallax Propeller
اینم یکی از مزایاش:
With the set of pre-built Parallax “objects” for video, mice, keyboards, RF, LCDs, stepper motors and
sensors your Propeller application is a matter of high-level integration. The Propeller is recommended for those with previous microcontroller experience.