این extension فایرفاکس رو به اسم gmail skins امتحان کن:
Gmailskins adds the following features:
* Change the colour/skin of your inbox.
* Integrate your google homepage alongside your inbox. This allows you to view weather reports, rss feeds, news headlines, flickr recently added, google calendar module etc from your inbox.
* Easily insert images from your Picasa web album in to your emails
* Insert smileys/emoticons and images in to your emails.
* Insert HTML tables and other complex HTML in to your emails.
* Make the navigation (Inbox, Starred, Sent Mail, etc) horizontal.
* Fix the navigation in place so that you don't have to scroll to the top of the page to see it.
* Zebra stripes on mailbox - pretty!
* Change the attachment paperclip (on inbox) to an icon indicating the type of attachment.
* Hide various page elements (invite panel, page footer, your email address from the top right of inbox).
What it does
Change the colour of your inbox - Choose colours from green to dark green!
View weather, google calendar and news headlines along side your emails - Any Google IG module can be added.
Insert images from your Picasa web album in to your emails - Google lets you send emails from Picasa, but not send photos from Gmail.
Insert smileys, images, tables and html in to your emails
Change the attachment paperclip to an icon indicating the type of attachment - The attachment icon reflects the filetype of the attachment.
Complete integration with Gmail - Settings are changed from the Gmail settings page and they are stored on your account in a special Gmail label meaning your settings are persistent from computer to computer.
Make the navigation (Inbox, Starred, Sent Mail, etc) horizontal
Fix the navigation in place so that you don't have to scroll to the top of the page to see it
Zebra stripes on mailbox - pretty!
Hide various page elements (invite panel, page footer, your email address from the top right of inbox - may be useful for public computers)
Upload your files Here. Great Azeri Resumable File Host: http://endir.az/index.php?lang=5
من اون لینکی که دادمو امتحان کردم. اما فکر نمی کنم مرتبط با این تاپیک بوده باشه. فقط Skin رو عوض می کنه با کمی امکانت دیگه.
این extension جدیدی که دادیو الان چک می کنم ، خبرشو میدم.
better gmail 2 for firefox 3
Add useful extra features and skins to Gmail, like hierarchical labels, macros, file attachment icons, and more.
Better Gmail 2 compiles the best Greasemonkey user scripts for Gmail into a single package. All scripts copyright their original authors. Click on the script homepage in the About tab for help and more information. Only compatible with the new Gmail interface.
Help and Support: If a feature isn't working for you the way you expect, most likely it is a bug with the user script and not this extension. First, try installing the user script with Greasemonkey. If the bug still exists, visit the user script home page to report your problem to the original script author.
grease monkey
Allows you to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript.
Hundreds of scripts, for a wide variety of popular sites, are already available at http://userscripts.org.
You can write your own scripts, too. Check out http://wiki.greasespot.net/ to get started
Fire Grease
When you visit a web page that has compatible user scripts on Userscripts.org, this extension will highlight the Greasemonkey icon in the status bar. Right click the Greasemonkey icon and choose the "X scripts available" item to see and install the scripts available for the current page.
Note that Greasefire uses a local index to look up scripts that apply to the page you are on -- it does not send any browsing data to a server. The index is updated periodically, see Add-ons -> Greasefire -> Preferences for details.
Gmail Skins: Works with Firefox: 1.5 – 2.0.0
Gmailskins adds the following features:
* Change the colour/skin of your inbox.
* Integrate your google homepage alongside your inbox. This allows you to view weather reports, rss feeds, news headlines, flickr recently added, google calendar module etc from your inbox.
* Easily insert images from your Picasa web album in to your emails
* Insert smileys/emoticons and images in to your emails.
* Insert HTML tables and other complex HTML in to your emails.
* Make the navigation (Inbox, Starred, Sent Mail, etc) horizontal.
* Fix the navigation in place so that you don't have to scroll to the top of the page to see it.
* Zebra stripes on mailbox - pretty!
* Change the attachment paperclip (on inbox) to an icon indicating the type of attachment.
* Hide various page elements (invite panel, page footer, your email address from the top right of inbox).
Important Notes
* To access the settings panel you must change the language on your gmail account to EN-US - This is because of how tightly gmailskins integrates in to the Gmail interface. You can change your language back again afterwards and the settings will still be applied, although "your mileage may vary".
* Some features will be added to your account, please do not mistake these for beta features rolled out by google like this guy: http://www.digg.com/links/Gmail_New_Features.
Planned for future version
* Integrate gmail mac skin (75% done)
* Icon only navigation menu (replace drafts, sent, compose etc with icons). Thank you to http://www.mayosoft.net for a beautiful set of icons - http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/30688928/
اینطور که معلومه سایت موزیلا هنوز برای ورژن 3 فایرفاکس gmail skins رو نداره (یعنی تو سایتش نبوده) ....
آخرین ورژنش تا حالا 0.9.8 بوده که قراره جدیدترش بیاد. :mrgreen:
Upload your files Here. Great Azeri Resumable File Host: http://endir.az/index.php?lang=5
سلام میشه یک کم در مورد نحوه استفاده ار اون توضیح بدین
آقا حامد کار خودته
آقای عباسی شرمنده م .من که فایرفاکس ندارم امتحانشون کنم.
حامد جون اگه چیزی رو امتحان کردی که کار میکنه ، نتیجه ی زحماتتو بذار تا همه بدونن.
Upload your files Here. Great Azeri Resumable File Host: http://endir.az/index.php?lang=5
FireFox یه سری امکانات ویژه داره که برای سهولت کار میشه از اونا استفاده کرد. حالا هر کی هر کدومو که دوست داره می تونه Add کنه.
برای اضافه کردن هر کدوم از این افزودنی ها می تونی بری Tools==>Option و روی زبانه Main کلید Manage Add-ons رو بزن. انجا می تونی به افزودنی ها مدیریت داشته باشی و با حتی موارد مورد نیازو دانلود کنی.
با نصب better gmail 2 امکاناتی که بهت اضافه میشه به صورت تصویری ایناست:
با توجه به این امکانات هدف مورد نظر تو این یکی دیده نمیشه.
بقیه رو امتحان نکردم. اما با توجه به توضیحاتی که عابد برا هر کدوم گذاشته فقط Gmail Skins مناسبه که برا ورژن های پایین فایرفاکسه.
فرصت شه بقیه رو هم امتحان می کنم.
یه سوال .. اگه بخوایم یه عکس رو در پیج ایمیل پلود کنیم به طوریکه میل که باز میشه تصویر هم ضمیمه شده باشه و کامل باز بشه (نه اینکه لینک داشته باشه..) باید چیکار کنیم؟ من با Yahoo کار میکنم .. ممنون ..