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مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

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    پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

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    نام: Physical Synthesis Toolkit for Area and Power Optimization on FPGAs
    نوع فایل: پایان نامه
    سال انتشار: 2008
    A Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a configurable platform for implementing a variety of logic circuits. It implements a circuit by the means of logic elements, usually Lookup Tables, connected by a programmable routing network. To utilize an FPGA effectively Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools have been developed. These tools implement circuits by using a traditional CAD flow, where the circuit is analyzed, synthesized, technology mapped, and finally placed and routed on the FPGA fabric. This flow, while generally effective, can produce sub-optimal results because once a stage of the flow is completed it is not revisited. This problem is addressed by an enhanced flow known Physical Synthesis, which consists of a set of iterations of the traditional flow with one key difference: the result of each iteration directly affects the result of the following iteration. An optimization can therefore be evaluated and then adjusted as needed in the following iterations, resulting in an overall better implementation. This CAD flow is challenging to work with because for a given FPGA researchers require access to each stage of the flow in an iterative fashion. This is particularly challenging when targeting modern commercial FPGAs, which are far more complex than a simple Lookup Table and Flip-Flop model generally used by the academic community. This dissertation describes a unified framework, called the Physical Synthesis Toolkit (PST), for research and development of optimizations for modern FPGA devices. PST provides access to modern FPGA devices and CAD tool flow to facilitate research. At the same time the amount of effort required to adapt the framework to a new FPGA device is kept to a minimum. To demonstrate that PST is an effective research platform, this dissertation describes optimization and modeling techniques that were implemented inside of it. The optimizations include: an area reduction technique for XOR-based logic circuits implemented on a 4-LUT based FPGA (25.3% area reduction), and a dynamic power reduction technique that reduces glitches in a circuit implemented on an Altera Stratix II FPGA (7% dynamic power reduction). The modeling technique is a novel toggle rate estimation approach based on the XOR-based decomposition, which reduces the estimate error by 37% as compared to the latest release of the Altera Quartus II CAD tool
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      پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

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      نام: FPGA Implementation of Congestion Control Routers in High Speed Networks
      نوع فایل: پایان نامه
      سال انتشار: 2005
      Receiving large number of data packets at different baud rates and different sizes at gateways in high-speed network routers may lead to a congestion problem and force gate routers to drop some packets. Several algorithms have been developed to control this problem. Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm is commonly used to eliminate this problem. It has been recommend by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) for next generation Internet gateways. In this thesis we present an FPGA implementation of a modified version of the RED algorithm. Furthermore, we discuss three enhancements of the RED algorithm leading to a better performance suitable for FPGA implementation. We have conducted several simulations to show that our proposed algorithm improves the response time and reduces the risk of global synchronization in gateways. The implementation is fully FPGA compatible and is targeting Xilinx Virtex-II Pro family devices. Finally we present the implementation that can run as fast as 10 Gbps
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        پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

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        نام: Servo Motors Control With FPGA: Control System with Torque Change
        نوع فایل: پایان نامه
        سال انتشار: 2011/12
        This document represents the final thesis of Mr. Alvaro polo Brihuega, which consists of a study of the servo motors dynamisel and design a solution for controlling them. This solution will use a VHDL programmed FPGA connected to the servo motors and the subsequent study of the changes that occur in the servo to get some resources to control their movement and the torque which plays such movement with respect to external forces. All this will be pointing to an ultimate goal as the control of changes in strength and dampen the same as falls and bumps in systems with installed servo
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          پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

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          نام: Test and Signalling of a 40Gbps Transmitter/Receiver Prototype
          نوع فایل: پایان نامه
          سال انتشار: 2003
          Testing digital hardware often requires a high speed transmission and reception of binary data. The transmitted test signal has to simulate the random characteristic of a digital signal, but at the same time it has to be predicable. Pseudo random binary sequences (PRBSs) fulfills just this, and are widely used for transmission tests. This thesis investigates the feasibility of implementing a 40 Gb/s PRBS test module, based on standard FPGAs, capable of generating test signals for a 40 Gb/s multiplex/demultiplex module. The entire design process, ranging from the initial overall demands, to the final tests conducted on the hardware, will be described. Error free transmission and reception of a 231 ¡ 1 PRBS on several of the data channels, will be demonstrated. It will be shown, that FPGAs indeed are viable choices for designs, that require high speed transmission and reception of data across a parallel interface
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            پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

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            نام: Implementation of a CFTP or Configurable Fault Tolerant Processor
            نوع فایل: پایان نامه
            سال انتشار: 2003
            The space environment has unique hazards that force electronic systems designers to use different techniques to build
            their systems. Radiation can cause Single Event Upsets (SEUs) which can cause state changes in satellite systems. Mitigation techniques have been developed to either prevent or recover from these upsets when they occur. At the same time, modifying on-orbit systems is difficult in a hardwired electronic system. Finding an alternative to either working around a mistake or having to keep the same generation of technology for years is important to the space community. Newer programmable logic devices such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) allow for emulation of complex logic circuits, such as microprocessors. FPGAs can be repro-grammed as necessary, to account for errors in design, or upgrades in software logic circuits. In an effort to provide one solution for both of these issues, this research was undertaken. The Configurable Fault Tolerant Processor (CFTP) emulates three identical processors, using Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) to mitigate SEUs on a radiation tolerant FPGA. With the reconfigurable capabilities of FPGA technology, as newer processors can be emulated, these new configurations can be uploaded to the satellite as software code, thereby actually upgrading the processor in flight. This research used a 16-bit Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processor as its cores. This thesis describes how the Harvard architecture of the processor is interfaced with the Von Neumann architecture of the memory. It also develops the process by which errors are detected and corrected, as well as recorded. The end result is a design simulation ready for implementation on an FPGA
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              پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

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              نام: A Software Defined OFDM Modulator
              نوع فایل: پایان نامه
              سال انتشار: 2006
              A software defined radio (SDR) is a radio system that allows a great degree of reprogrammability. In an SDR, all signal processing is performed by or closely controlled by software. Because of this, proponents of SDR promise dynamic and intelligent protocols for wireless networks. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has emerged as a popular modulation technique for such networks. Consequently, it is desirable to make software defined OFDM available. If possible, such a radio system should be based on the PC platform. Existing solutions for OFDM on a PC based platform lack the performance or the flexibility needed for true software defined OFDM. This thesis presents the design of an OFDM transmitter for software defined radio. The transmitter is implemented on an FPGA as part of a PC based software radio platform. To demonstrate the programmability of the FPGA design, IEEE 802.11a and several other applications are demonstrated
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                پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                سلام ..

                نام: A Remote Controlled Embedded System Implemented on FPGA
                نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                سال انتشار: 2009
                Since the Embedded system and SOC technology is increasingly developing and widely applied in industry, the education in this field is considered as an important part for the students in Electronic Engineering. Therefore, a basic but complete embedded system for demonstration is required to implement. In practice, the Altera DE2 board is adopted to construct an embedded system which consists of CPU (soft core “Nios&rdquo, ALU, memory chip and USB port. At the same time, a remote terminal in PC is created to control the system depending on the USB channel connecting two sides. In the project, the procedure for building a platform based embedded system is presented as well as the USB application in Windows environment
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                  پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                  سلام ..

                  نام: FPGA Implementation of Parametrical Orthogonal Transform-based Experimental DSP Devices
                  نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                  سال انتشار: 2011
                  Fast orthogonal transforms maintain a significant position in a wide range of signal processing algorithms. Over the past decade particularly rapid progress has taken place in the area of wavelets (one of the subclasses of orthogonal functions). For some years now, the research on real 1-D discrete orthogonal transforms is being conducted at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications of Riga Technical University. The research on complex 1-D orthogonal transforms (reviewed in this paper) and real 2-D discrete orthogonal transforms has been started. Since one of the main parts of the doctoral thesis is author’s published scientific papers, a short description of each paper is given below. Detailed information on orthogonal transforms can be found in this review document – Chapter 1 presents theoretical background for rotation-angle-based complex orthogonal transforms and shows their diversity; Chapter 2 deals with various implementation architectures for orthogonal transforms; Chapter 3 reviews problems and their solutions with respect to the transform implementation in FPGA; (the last) Chapter 4 reviews experimental rotation-angle-based devices. Angle-based orthogonal transforms allow to obtain an indefinitely large number, but not all possible, of basis functions. While working on master thesis [14], various generators of real BFs have been developed [P1]. At the same time the real-time audio signal spectrum analyzer has been developed [P2]. A Haar-like signal decomposition/reconstruction system based on parametrical orthogonal filters is described in [P3]. [P4] deals with resolving the difficulties with implementation of BF generator in FPGA. [P5] and [P6] have been published by RTU in the annual collection of scientific proceedings. These two papers describe the implementation of parametrical real Haar-like transforms in FPGA. Signal filtering in [P6] is performed using the decomposition/reconstruction system. Errors are inevitable when systems are implemented in real devices with fixed-point arithmetic. [P7] examines FPA errors that arise when implementing various algorithms for BF generator. For a novel kind of orthogonal transforms a MATLAB toolbox has been created [P8]. [P9] describes the implementation of a simplified version (see Section 3.4) of complex rotation matrix (see Chapter 1). [P10] describes the trial implementation (a simplified version of complex rotation matrix has been used) of digital part of transmission system based on nonsinusoidal division multiplexing. [P11] discusses the necessity to develop tools for automatic code generation for FPGA implementation of complex rotation matrices. [P12] describes one of such tools and its operation principles
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                    پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                    سلام ..

                    نام: Accelerating Next Generation Genome Reassembly in FPGAs: Alignment Using Dynamic Programming Algorithms
                    نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                    سال انتشار: 2011
                    DNA sequencing has proven to be advantageous in a multitude of applications, but challenges in computation has hindered its widespread growth in various fields. Although innovative sequencing machines have been able to process millions of DNA segments in parallel, reassembling these short read pieces has become a bottleneck in the computation. We use a hardware platform and various algorithms to significantly accelerate current software systems by utilizing a FPGA as a coprocessor. Our reassembly process requires two principle steps: 1) the Matcher, which implements the BFAST algorithm and 2) the Aligner, which manages multiple alignment computations. This thesis covers the Aligner, which uses a hybrid sequence alignment dynamic programming algorithm to obtain the best alignment for the short reads. The algorithm, design, and results of this thesis describe the implementation, as well as the resulting improvements in computation speed
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                      پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                      سلام ..

                      نام: High Precision Motor and Servo Controller For Unmanned Micro Autonomous Aerial Vehicle
                      نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                      سال انتشار: 2007
                      There is a rapid progress within the field of aeronautics, and particularly in the technology field of Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV) today. The company Ångström Aerospace Corporation (ÅAC) hopes that taking the UAV technology further enables new solution for rescue work as well as for military applications. This is one of three collaborating diploma works in the Autonomous Flying Helicopter project, which aims to solve the high precision servo steering of an unmanned micro autonomous vehicle. The selected UAV is a helicopter, Mini Dragonfly from GWS, which is an electrical propelled vehicle. The involved parts are DC-motors and digital servos which are individually controlled via a serial interface, RS232. The solution includes Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques, FPGA implementation and high current driver design. The meaning of a FPGA is to free the microcontroller from the PWM duties. A simpler microcontroller, that only calculates barring for navigation, can then be used with improved power and weight optimization for the whole design. This diploma work, together with the other two in the Autonomous Flying Helicopter project aims to give a theoretical knowledge and a flying helicopter
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                        پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                        سلام ..

                        نام: An FPGA Noise Resistant Digital Temperature Sensor With Auto Calibration
                        نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                        سال انتشار: 2012
                        In recent years, thermal sensing in digital devices has become increasingly important. From a security perspective, new thermal based attacks have revealed vulnerabilities in digital devices. Traditional temperature sensors using analog-to-digital converters consume significant power and are not conducive to rapid development. As a result there has been an escalating demand for low cost, low power digital temperature sensors that can be seamlessly integrated onto digital devices. This research seeks to create a modular Field Programmable Gate Array digital temperature sensor with auto one-point calibration to eliminate the excessive costs and time associated with calibrating existing digital temperature sensors. In addition, to support the auxiliary protection role, the sensor is evaluated alongside a RSA circuit implemented on the same chip, with methods developed to mitigate noise and power fluctuations introduced by the main circuit. The result is a digital temperature sensor resistant to noise and suitable for quick mass deployment in digital devices
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                          پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                          سلام ..

                          نام: An FPGA Software-Defined Ultra Wide-band Transceiver
                          نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                          سال انتشار: 2006
                          Increasing interest in ultra-wideband (UWB) communications has engendered the need for a test bed for UWB systems. An FPGA-based software-defined radio provides both post-fabrication definition of the radio and ample parallel processing power. This thesis presents the FPGA design for a software-defined radio targeted to impulse ultra-wideband signals. The system is capable of an effective sampling frequency of up to 8 G-samples/s using time-interleaved sampling with eight 1-GHz ADCs. The system is also capable of transmitting UWB pulses using a transmitter board controlled by the FPGA. In this thesis, the FPGA design used to capture and export data from the eight ADCs is presented, along with two systems which make use of the transceiver: a pilot-based matched filter communications system, and a remote vital signs monitor
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                            پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                            سلام ..

                            نام: An FPGA Implementation of a MIPS RISC Processor for Computer Architecture Education
                            نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                            سال انتشار: 2006
                            Computer organization and design is a common engineering course where students learn concepts of modern computer architecture. Students often learn computer design by implementing individual sections of a computer microprocessor using a simulation-only approach that limits a students experience to software design. This project targets the computer architecture courses and presents an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) implementation of a MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) Processor via VHDL (Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language) design. The goal of this project is to enhance the simulator based approach by integrating some hardware design to help the computer architecture students gain a hands-on experience in hardware-software integration and achieve a better understanding of both the MIPS single-cycle and pipelined processors as described in the widely used book, Computer Organization and Design – The Hardware/Software Interface by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy
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                              پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                              سلام ..

                              نام: Evaluation of European SRAM-based FPGA Using the ESA VHDL IP-Core Library
                              نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                              سال انتشار: 2007
                              AT40KEL-DK is a design kit from ATMEL, including the Rad Hard SRAM-based reprogrammable FPGA AT40KEL040. The use of reprogrammable FPGAs in space is fairly limited since they are often sensitive to radiation. Today only a few reprogrammable FPGAs have flown on real space missions, but in the near future this technology can cut down on development time and open up for new applications in space. Most of the mentioned technology is at present developed in USA with export restrictions, which makes it even more interesting with a European product. This Master Thesis has focused on the overall evaluation of AT40KEL-DK and all of its content. The design kit contains both the evaluation board and the FPGA, together with the required software. The approach has been to use the ESA VHDL IP-core library and try to implement one of its designs into the FPGA. The IP-core chosen was a SpaceWire codec developed by the University of Dundee. In addition to the test with the codec, the FPGA was also tested with smaller designs to assess additional characteristics like clock speed limitations. The timeframe of the project was rather limiting and there was only time for a few test results. Instead the project focused on its main objective, a general assessment of the whole design kit. The experiences of both the software and the hardware were documented and given as feedback to ATMEL, as well as laying the foundation for further testing by ESA
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                                پاسخ : مقالات علمی معتبر , پایان نامه ها و eBook های مربوط به FPGA

                                سلام ..

                                نام: Design and Evaluation of FPGA-based Gigabit-Ethernet/PCI Network Interface Card
                                نوع فایل: پایان نامه
                                سال انتشار: 2004
                                The continuing advances in the performance of network servers make it essential for network interface cards (NICs) to provide more sophisticated services and data processing. Modern network interfaces provide fixed functionality and are optimized for sending and receiving large packets. One of the key challenges for researchers is to find effective ways to investigate novel architectures for these new services and evaluate their performance characteristics in a real network interface platform. This thesis presents the design and evaluation of a flexible and configurable Gigabit Ethernet/PCI network interface card using FPGAs. The FPGA-based NIC includes multiple memories, including SDRAM SODIMM, for adding new network services. The experimental results at Gigabit Ethernet receive interface indicate that the NIC can receive all packet sizes and store them at SDRAM at Gigabit Ethernet line rate. This is promising since no existing NIC use SDRAM due to the SDRAM latency
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